Patent/Utility Model Details

Invention Process of Detoxifying Karrot
Patent # 22018000754
Inventor(s) Noralyn Legazpi; Vina May Cabugon; Christine Quiapo; Lea Agbigay
Date Issued 03/20/2019
Product Detoxifying Karrot
Category Utility Model
Purpose The utility model has its object the process of detoxifying or removing the toxic content of “karot” (Dioscorea hispida. ‘Karot’ is a local favorite food and is very promising for the product development but the bottleneck to explore its potential is a sanitary detoxification process, considering that the traditional method is considered unsanitary. The developed process is deemed more sanitary and yielded to edible detoxified ‘karot’. This now pave the way for a more extensive work on the utilization of ‘karot’ for food product development.