Patent/Utility Model Details

Invention Portable Vulcanizer
Patent # 22017000444
Inventor(s) Ferdinand P. Huenda
Date Issued 03/20/2019
Product Portable Vulcanizer
Category Utility Model
Purpose The portable vulcanizing device is designed with a vulcanizing base having associated structures such as a locking structure, Vulcanizer arm and heating element 5 circuit that cooperatively and communicably engage to each other. The Vulcanizer assembly is operated with 220 volts. If inner tube is then to vulcanize, patch is then placed covering the punctured part and place the inner tube to the heater plate with paper or foil to protect the tube, using the lever arm press until lever arm is lock by the interlock mechanism, swivel the switch to on position indicator lights on, wait until the 10 indicator lights go off, and wait for ten minutes to cool the inner tube, on luck the lever arm to remove inner tube. Check the inner tube by inflating and submerge it in water to check for possible air leak, return interior to exterior and inflate the tire at 30 Psi.