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Research Details

Research Title Development of Package of Technology (POT) for Telosma procumbens (Blanco) Merr. (Kapas-kapas)
Researcher(s) Menisa Antonio, Lucricia Conchita Cocson, Lagrimas Flojo
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Jun 01, 2010 to Dec 31, 2015
Commodity Vegetables
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Study 1. Evaluation of Different Levels of Indigenous Rooting Solution in Vegetative Propagation of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas)

The experiment on propagations will be conducted at the Plant Genetic Resource Nursery (PGR) of the Mariano Marcos State University, Batac City, Ilocos Norte.

Activity 1. Evaluation of different hormone/rooting solution using cuttings in vegetative propagation

The use of different rooting hormone/solution will be used. Cuttings will be soaked in prepared recommended concentration using 2 rooting hormones and an indigenous rooting solution.

Activity 2. Evaluation of different concentration of chemical root hormone using cuttings in vegetative propagation

The best hormone in the first set-up will be used. Cuttings will be soaked in a prepared solution of Hormex at different concentration.

The cuttings will be soaked for 15 minutes before planting in previously filled black polyethylene plastic pots placed in a partial shade. Watering will be done every other day.

Activity 3. Evaluation of different concentration of indigenous rooting solution in cuttings of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas)

The good performance of the indigenous rooting solution (honey) in the previous set-up will be tried using different concentration.

The cuttings will be soaked in the different solutions/concentrations for two hours before planting in previously filled plastic pots.

For all the propagation studies, a partial shade will be provided against direct sunlight and later after two months, they will be gradually exposed to sunlight. Watering and weeding will be done as needed. Data gathered will be plant survival, shoot length, number of roots and root length. This will be done after 2 months where new shoot growth will be observed.

Matured Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) fruit will be collected and allowed to dry in a closed net under room condition. Fruits automatically open to disperse seeds. These seeds were collected and sown in seed boxes filled with garden soil. Watering will also be done every other day. The seedlings produced will be used in the first field set-up.

Study 2. Evaluation of Growth and Yield Performance of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) Using Different Rates of Fertilizer

The field trial will be established during the wet season (WS) at the experimental farm of the Mariano Marcos State University, Batac City, Ilocos Norte in front of NTA building.

Planting material sown from seeds will be used and laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Plant distances will be 1 meter and two meters between rows.

Study 3. Evaluation of Growth and Yield of Rejuvenated Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) Using Different Rates of Fertilizer

Sometime in the life of a plant, it ceases to bear fruits. In the case of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas), it only flowers and bear fruits during the months from May to October as has been observed when fruits were seen in market places. After fruiting, the vines start to senesce and some vines dry-up. In some plants, pruning is applied to renew growths and quality of fruits. It also minimizes or eradicates insect pests and diseases that may harbor the plant. This good agricultural practice (GAP) was also applied to Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas).

General pruning will be done during the months of January to March about 2-3 feet from the base of the plant. Old vines will be removed and burned.

After pruning, slight cultivation will be done about 6 inches around the base of the plant and consequently fertilizer will be applied.

Study 4. Growth and Yield Performance of Seed- and Vegetatively-Propagated Planting Materials of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas)

The study is proposed because Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) was observed to only flower afer a year of planting. In other crops, vegetatively propagated cuttings or branches flower earlier and thus, bear fruit early, hence this study. It will be set-up infront of NTA to determine the seed and vegetatively propagated Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) as planting material in terms of earliness to flower, agronomic and yield performances. In some plants, vegetatively propagated plants flower earlier because it by-passes the juvenile phase. Plants will be spaced at 1 meter distances with four replications.

Study 5. Effect of Planting Dates Relative to Growth and Flowering in Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) Production

The study will be conducted in staggered planting.

Propagation of cuttings will be done every month so that planting materials will have the same age/maturity during the establishment of the monthly planting. Plant will be spaced at 1 meter distances, 5 plants per treatment replicated 3 times in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD).

Cultural management shall be employed like providing trellis, use of 2 kg organic fertilizer per plant, irrigation and weeding as needed.

Data to be gathered will be vine length at 3, 6 and 9 months after transplanting. Likewise, number of branches shall also be monitored, days to flower, yield and yield components.


Expected Output
To develop a package of technology for Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) production

Abstract Not Available