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Research Details

Research Project:Development of Package of Technology (POT) for Telosma procumbens (Blanco) Merr. (Kapas-kapas)
Research Title Evaluation of Growth and Yield of Rejuvenated Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) Using Different Rates of Fertilizer
Researcher(s) Menisa Antonio, Lucricia Conchita Cocson, Lagrimas Flojo
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jun 01, 2010 to Dec 31, 2015
Commodity Vegetables
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Sometime in the life of a plant, it ceases to bear fruits. In the case of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas), it only flowers and bear fruits during the months from May to October as has been observed when fruits were seen in market places. After fruiting, the vines start to senesce and some vines dry-up. In some plants, pruning is applied to renew growths and quality of fruits. It also minimizes or eradicates insect pests and diseases that may harbor the plant. This doog agricultural practice (GAP) was also applied to Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas).

Pruning. General pruning will be done during the months of January to March about 2-3 feet from the base of the plant. Old vines will be removed and burned.

Fertilizer Application. After pruning, slight cultivation will be done about 6 inches around the base of the plant and consequently fertilizer will be applied according to the treatments below:

T1 - 0-0-0 (Control)

T2 - 1 kg OF per plant

T3 - 2 kg OF per plant

T4 - 3 kg OF per plant

T5 - 4 kg OF per plant

T6 - 1 kg OF + 15 gm 46-0-0 + 15 gm 14-14-14 per plant

T7 - 1 kg OF + 15 gm 46-0-0 + 15 gm 14-14-14- per plant + 15 gm 0-0-60

Expected Output
Identified best fertilizer level in pruned Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas)

Abstract Not Available