We only provide here the general research information. For more detailed information contact the Research and Development Directorate of the Mariano Marcos State University.

Research Details

Research Project:Germplasm Conservation and Selection of Promising Traditional Upland Rice Varieties in Ilocos Norte
Research Title Evaluation of Agronomic Performance and Seed Multiplication of Traditional Upland Rice Varieties in Rainfed Lowland Ecosystem
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration May 01, 2014 to Dec 31, 2016
Commodity Rice
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description

A. Agronomic evaluation is completed.

A total of 22 accessions will be tested. These accessions are the shortlisted promising varieties in Study 2. Each accession will be planted per plot (12m x 1.5 m). These will be laid out in RCBD with three replications. There were six rows per plot spaced at 30 cm between rows and 20 cm between hills. Distance between plots was 50 cm. Weather data during the growing season will be recorded.

The on-station trial shall be done for a minimum of two years. Seed purification will also be done.

Data will be analyzed statistically, and classified descriptively adopting standards, i.e. Khush et all 1979 for grain characters, and NCT Manual for Rice.

B. Seed Multiplication

Seed production will be done on promising TUR varieties which were identified based on yield, adaptability and grain qualities. Produced seeds will be distributed to upland rice farmers who were the original sources of said germplasm. These farmers will later be trained as TUR seed growers, who, in turn, will supply the seed requirement of other upland farmers in Ilocos Norte and neighboring provinces.

Extra care will be employed in the handling of seeds to ensure genetic purity and high quality of the seeds. Seedlots will be stored at the seed unit. Availability of seeds as source of planting materials.

C. On-farm Trial

Promising traditional upland rice entries from the 22 accessions evaluated under the rainfed lowland ecosystem will be conducted on-farm. Identified cooperators in Ilocos Norte will be given seeds and other inputs and these will be conducted under farmer-research manage.

  1. Criteria for site/farmer selection. Farmer barangay leader in upland and rainfed lowland ecosystem. Attendance in trainings, seminars, lectures on upland rice technology. Willingness to adapt new technology.
  2. Mechanics of project implementation. Inputs will be given such as seeds, fertilizer and chemicals (insecticide/herbicide). Farmer-researchers manage. Yield data (quadrant) will be collected and stored as seed source.
  3. On-farm data to be gathered-agronomic and yield characteristics (same as part 1)
  4. Economic analysis
  5. Approved MOA between the Project and the farmer
Expected Output

Seed/Planting materials for distribution to farmers

  • Availability of purified/quality seeds for on-farm trials and for interested farmers in the province
  • Farmers participation in the selection of promising TUR varieties adapted in the locality
  • Selection of promising high yielding TUR and with good eating quality
  • High yield to obtain high income
  • Technical paper for presentation in research reviews, symposium, etc.
  • Brochure, leaflets
Abstract Not Available