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Research Details

Research Title Psychosocial Risk Factors for Work-Related Stress Among Teachers of Mariano Marcos State University
Researcher(s) Cheryll Didi Nellie N. Obra
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jul 01, 2014 to Jun 30, 2015
Commodity Health
Research Site(s) MMSU campuses in Batac City, Laoag City, Currimao, Paoay and Dingras
Source of Fund(s) GAA-Fund 101

The study was able to establish current baseline data on the presence and sources of work-related stress among teachers of Mariano Marcos State University. Recruited to participate in the survey were 134 teachers from its six colleges in Laoag and Batac sites. Quantitative data were collected using a three-part structured questionnaire that focused on personal characteristics, work-related stress, and psychosocial risk factors (items were adopted from the Indicator Tool developed by the Health and Safety Executive based on the Management Standards framework). The HSE Analysis Tool was used to analyze responses on the psychosocial risk factors. Descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient with statistical significance based on p-value < 0.05.

Teacher stress stemmed from multifaceted factors. Highly ranked psychosocial risk factors for elevated stress were working very intensively, working very fast, tasks being demanded by others, strained relationships, and insufficient opportunities to question managers about work changes. The teachers perceived teaching to be moderately stressful caused by 'stressors' demands, manager support, and organizational changes with demands registered as the main stressor of the university teachers.

 Work-related stress significantly correlated with demands (r=.441), relationships (r=.353), control (r=.243), manager support (r=.254), peer support (r=.288), role (r=.351), change (r=.196), and designation (r=-.225). The identified sources of stressors should be considered and addressed thoroughly and not to be disregarded as unnecessary. The university has to take action to reduce the presence of stressors in the workplace and to adopt reasonably practical measures to manage the stress being experienced by its teachers.

Keywords: psychosocial risk factors, teachers, work-related stress