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Research Details

Research Title The Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies of BS Entrepreneurship Students Batch 2016
Researcher(s) Armie Sabugo, Reena Gilaine Barot, Charito Julian
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Mar 01, 2017 to Oct 30, 2017
Commodity Education
Research Site(s) City of Batac and Paoay, Ilocos Norte
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description

  1. The output of the study may contribute in the attainment of the BS Entrep Program's objective which is to produce entrepreneurs by enhancing the curriculum which will help prepare other students enrolled in the program for them to be more motivated to embark in putting up their own businesses.
  2. The BS Entrep Core faculty will also be benefited since they will be able to design strategies and teaching methods which will better prepare the students after graduation.
  3. When published, the information from the research might be of help to other institutions experiencing the same dilemma of producing BS Entrep graduates who do not put up their own businesses.
  4. The results of the study may also benefit the curriculum developers in revising or enhancing the BS Entrepreneurship curriculum.
  5. The research output may have long-term impact to the community. When proper interventions/strategies are introduced to the students, they will be more motivated to engage in business thus, helping the community growth through the utilization of available resources.
This study is basically descriptive. The survey method will be used to elicit the PEC profile of the students, their socio-economic profile and the perceived level of effectiveness of the teaching strategies employed by the faculty.
The PEC of the students when they were in their first year will be compared with their PEC in their fourth year. The PEC survey questionnaire (adapted from Management Systems International and McBer Team) was used to elicit information on the PEC profile of the studnets. In order to ensure that the competencies identified in CMO No. 17, s. 2005 are covered in the adapted questionnaire.
Another set of questionnaire was used to determine the socio-economic profile of the respondents. Both questionnaire were floated when the students were still in their first year. The same sets of questionnaires were floated when the students were already in their fourth year. Secondary data such as the high school grades of the students, their general weighted average and the performance evaluations of the faculty for the school years 2013-2014 to 2015-2016 will also be used.
For Entrp 200a and Entrp 200b, a questionnaire was designed in order to determine the perceived effectiveness of the strategies adapted since the faculty was not evaluated in practicum subjects.
The same students were taken as samples therefore, transferees and shiftees who graduated in 2016 were not included in the survey since they were not included in the ex-ante survey in 2012.
To determine the PEC profile of the respondents, frequencies, means and weighted average mean will be used. Correlation will be used to determine the degree of relationship between the profile and entrepreneurial competencies of the students. To determine the degree of difference between the exposed and ex-ante variables and the effectiveness of the teaching strategies adapted, analysis of variance will be adopted.
Schedule of Activities (Phases)
  1. Data gathering
  2. Writing related literature and studies
  3. Analysis and interpretation of data
  4. Finalizing the paper
  5. Benchmarking in other schools
  6. Reviewing the results vis-a-vis the present curriculum and strategies
Expected Output
  • The results of the study may provide relevant information which can be used in enhancing the BS Entrepreneurship curriculum offered by the College and/or improving the teaching strategies adapted by the BS Entrep core faculty.
  • Completion of the study may qualify it to be presented as either paper/poster presentation in various research fora.
  • The study may be accepted for possible publication which can be useful to other researches.
Abstract Not Available