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Research Details

Research Title Verification and Improvement of the Developed Pest Management Products for Vegetable Production in Ilocos (Component 1)
Researcher(s) Leticia Lutap, Alecsis Villarin, Jonathan Ramos
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Nov 01, 2017 to Dec 31, 2019
Commodity Vegetables
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description

The effectiveness of the developed biopesticide was further evaluated in eggplant (MMSU Eg-02 LV) under different fertilizer management using strip plot design in three replications with the following treatments:

A. Fertilizer Management (FM) (Vertical)

  1. Inorganic Fertilizer (IF) 
    • Eggplant 140-60-60 NPK/ha
  2. Organic Fertilizer (OF) 
    • 5 tons/hectare
  4. 1/2 IF + 1/2 OF (50:50)
B. Pest Control Treatments (PCT) (Horizontal)
  1. MMSU Biopesticide (MMSU Bio-In 6)
  2. Commercial Biopesticide (Azadiarchtin)
  3. Alternate MMSU Biopesticide (MMSU Bio-In 6) & Chemical Insecticide (Carbaryl)
  4. Alternate Commercial Biopesticide (Azadiarchtin) & Chemical Insecticide (Carbaryl)
  5. Chemical Insecticide (Carbaryl)
  6. No Spraying (Control)
Data Gathering and Application of Pest Control
  1. Data on agronomic, pest incidence/damage and yield was taken from ten sample plants through visual observation early in the morning started at 30 DAP.
  2. Application of control treatments was done based on the ETL of some pest and as needed.
  3. Recommended rate of the biopesticide and pesticide used was followed.
  4. Planting distance was: 1m x 0.75m and a plot size of 1m x 5m.
  5. All other cultural practices like weed control and irrigation was done to ensure normal growth of the plant.
  6. Cost and return analysis was also done and data gathered was statistically analyzed using STAR.
  7. The best treatment will be further validated in farmers field and promotion and commercialization of the developed product will be done in coordination with the University Extension Unit and LGU's.
Expected Output

Previous Year (Y1 2015-2016)

  • The effectiveness of the developed MMSU biopesticide was further evaluated under different fertilizer management scheme.
  • The different biopesticides were: 
    1. MMSU Bio-In3 for tomato fruitworm
    1. MMSU Bio In-6 for leaf curling of pepper
    1. MMSU Bio In-8 for thrips and mites attacking garlic
    1. MMSU DFTm4 for early blight of tomato
    1. MMSU DF4Ga for purple blotch in garlic
  • Findings shows that the effectiveness of the developed MMSU biopesticide products was comparable with chemical pesticide in controlling pest population of the above mentioned crops regardless of different fertilizer management used.
  • Lower pest incidence was noted and comparable to the chemical pesticide.
  • Further, effectiveness of the biopesticide was enhanced when used as an alternate to chemical pesticide as indicated by the higher yield obtained in all the crops evaluated.
  • Cost and return analysis also shows that the developed MMSU Biopesticide was comparable to chemical pesticide especially when used as an alternate to chemical pesticide.
Year Under Review (Y2 2016-2017)
  • The effectiveness of the developed MMSU Biopesticide (MMSU Bio-In 6) was further evaluated for common insect attacking eggplant under different fertilizer management scheme.
Abstract Not Available