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Research Details

Research Title Development of a Technology to Increase the Productivity of the Less-Known Yam Species
Researcher(s) Noralyn B. Legaspi Lea C. Agbigay Christine Quiapo
Research Category Project
Research Status extended
Duration Jan 01, 2016 to Dec 31, 2022
Commodity Rootcrops
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Majority of the activities will be conducted on-station except on those which needed to be conducted on form or in other locations such as in the selection of promising accessions. Following are the different activities to be undertaken to satisfy the objectives of the project.

1. Evaluation of different varieties/accessions of less-known yam species (tugui and kamangeg) for yield and acceptability

a. Collection/assembly of materials

b. On-station evaluation and acceptability

c. On-farm evaluation of promising accessions

2. Development of cultural management technology for the increased productivity of the less-known yam species

a. Fertilizer application

b. Irrigation

c. Distance of planting

d. Use of different planting materials

e. Studies on backyard production of kamangeg

3. Enhancing the economic potentials of the less-known yam species (tugui, kamangeg, and karot) through food product development

a. Development of healthy food items using the less-known yam species

b. Standardization of processed tugui and kamangeg products

c. Shelf-life determination of processed tugui, kamangeg, and karot products

Expected Output
  1. High yielding varieties of tugui, kamangeg and karut acceptable to farmers and consumers.
  2. Production technology to increase the productivity of trugui, kamangeg and karot. 
  3. Technology for the utilization of the less known yam species.
Abstract Not Available