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Research Details

Research Project:Gender-based tracer study of graduates in the degree programs at the College of Business, Economics and Accountancy
Research Title Gender-based tracer study of BSBA Marketing Management graduates
Researcher(s) Jeffrey T. de Vera, Marc M. Abadilla
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Mar 10, 2021 to May 31, 2022
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
The study was undertaken to track the employment whereabouts of the BSBA Marketing Management graduates at the College of Business, Economics and Accountancy from SY 2013-2014 to SY 2017-2018. The study used the Sex Disaggregated Data (SDD) analysis to determine the Gender-Based Tracer Study of BSBA Marketing Management Graduates. 
The study treated the profiles of the BSBA Marketing Management graduates in terms of their general information, educational experience, and employment data. In the same way, the study elicited suggestions to improve the degree program and curriculum. Moreover, it provided the program and the college with a database of BSBA Marketing Management alumni. 
The study made use of the descriptive research method and utilized the instrument prescribed by the CHED-Graduate Tracer Study (CHED-GTS). An online survey was used to collect the data from the graduates and utilized Google forms and various online platforms such as social media to contact them. It uses frequency as a statistical tool to determine the profile of respondents. The actual respondents (209 graduates) were a random sample of BSBA Marketing Management graduates from the academic years 2013-2014 to 2017-2018, representing 37.59 percent of the 556 graduates. 
Expected Output
  •  Gender-Based Performance of BSBA Marketing Management Graduates 
  • Directory of the BSBA Marketing Management Graduates 
  • Suggestions to improve the degree program and curriculum 
Abstract Not Available