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Research Details

Research Project:Varietal Improvement of Glutinous Corn, Seed Production and Maintenance of MMSU GLut I
Research Title Performance Evaluation of New Entry Yellow Corn Hybrids (Study 3)
Researcher(s) Mario Remolacio, Corazon Sabuco
Research Category Study
Research Status continuing
Duration Jun 11, 2014 to Dec 31, 2018
Commodity Cereals
Research Site(s) MMSU Experimental Farm, City of Batac
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
This is the Study 3 of the project "Varietal Improvement of Glutinous Corn, Seed Production and Maintenance of MMSU Glut 1".

Major activities include:
  1. Crop establishment (land preparation, lay outing, planting, fertilizing, irrigating, putting of labels)
  2. Crop maintenance (irrigating, spraying, weeding, fertilizing, hilling-up)
  3. Gathering of data, harvesting, shelling, drying
  4. Data collation, analysis, encoding, interpretation
Wet and Dry Season Trial
  1. Design. The experiment will be laid out in a randomized complete design with four replications. The size per plot will be 3m x 5m with four rows per entry.
  2. Land preparation. The land will be thoroughly prepared. Furrows will be constructed at 75 cm between rows.
  3. Treatments. Corn hybrids and OPVs entries are the treatments with 3-4 sets of studies per cropping season.
  4. Fertilization. The fertilizer rate to be used will be 120-60-60 kg N, P2O5, & K2O. One half of N and all P & K will be applied basal and the other half of N will be side dressed before hilling up at 21-25 days after planting (DAP).
  5. Planting and Thinning. Plant two seeds per hill spaced 20 cm apart between hills. Thinning will be done two weeks after emergence leaving one plant per hill.
  6. Weeding, cultivation. Weeding will be done as the need arises to control crop weed competition. Hilling up will be done as the plants are at knee high or 21-25 DAP.
  7. Control of insect pest. Insecticides will be sprayed during the growth stages of the crop to control insect pest following the manufacturer's dosage.
  8. Harvesting. Harvesting will be done for green corn at 19-24 days after silking while for grain corn will be harvested at physiological maturity at 45 days after silking.
  9. Data gathering. The data to be gathered are the following: stand count, silking days, plant height, ear height, kernel rows, yield, moisture content, shelling percentage, ear weight, insect (borer) rating (30, 45, 60, 75 DAP), barren plants, percent filled and unfilled ears, disease rating (rust, etc.). All data gathered will be analyzed by using RCBD, ANOVA and LSD for treatment comparisons. The data gathered will be submitted to the NCT Coordinator.
Expected Output
Varieties that outyielded the check variety having the valid number of tests will be recommended commercial releases (RCR) as national or regional recommendation.

Abstract Not Available