We only provide here the general research information. For more detailed information contact the Research and Development Directorate of the Mariano Marcos State University.

Research Details

Research Title Cyclooxygenase (Cox) and lipoxygenase (Lox) inhibition and safety assessment of unexplored plant species in Ilocos Norte
Researcher(s) Maingeline B. Vivit, Anabelle B. Alejo, Kristian Gay D. Beltran, Franklin V. Ibana, Mae Ann Batuyong, Cecile A. Gaoat
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Jun 24, 2020 to Jun 30, 2023
Commodity Medicinal Plants
Research Site(s) Tuklas Lunas Development Center, LACF
Source of Fund(s) GAA-Fund 101
Brief Description
Expected Output
Patent/Product: (a) Information on the bioactivity of the endemic plants; (b) Information on the physicochemical characteristics of the endemic plants; and (c) information on the safety of the plants of interests
People and Partnership: Linkage with Mr. Calaramo, Taxonomist 
Publications: At least 1 article for publication
Abstract Not Available