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Research Details

Research Title Predictors of Performance of MMSU Graduates in the CPA Licensure Examination
Researcher(s) Angelina Abrojena, Oscar Agpaoa, Divina Cayabyab, Lorna Olivia Salmasan, maricon Villena
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Mar 01, 2014 to Aug 31, 2014
Commodity Socio-Economics
Research Site(s) Ilocos Norte
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Determination of the predictors of performance of MMSU Graduates in the CPA Licensure Examination to improve and develop academic policies and strategies focused on enhancing the quality of instructional delivery systems.

This research will focus on the predictors of performance of MMSU graduates in the CPA Licensure Examination for the years 2010 to 2013.

The input variables shall be limited to undergraduate academic status, Accountancy curriculum applied and socio-economic status of MMSU graduates for academic years 2010 to 2013.

The population of this study will be limited to the MMSU graduates who took the CPA licensure examination for the years 2010 to 2013.

The descriptive research design particularly the correlational design will be used in this study.

Document Analysis particularly the transcript of records, CPA Licensure Examination results, Pre-board Examination results and college entry documents of students shall be used in determining predictors of performance of MMSU graduates in the CPA Licensure Examination for the years 2010-2013. Data gathered shall be supplemented through unstructured interviews.

The study shall be conducted in the province of Ilocos Norte where CBEA Mariano Marcos State University, the school where the respondents studied, is located.

The respondents for this study will be all the MMSU graduates who took the CPA Licensure Examination for the years 2010 to 2013.

The specific problems of this study are categorized as descriptive and correlational. Descriptive data will be analyzed by frequency counts and percentages. The Pearson product moment of coefficient of correlational method will be used to measure the strength and relationship between the variables of interest.

Expected Output
A publishable journal article the form and style of which shall be patterned after a standard provided by the editorial board of the Journal for Accountancy Research of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA), MMSU and other journals.

Abstract Not Available