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Research Details

Research Project:Establishment of Seed Production and Storage System for a Sustainable Organic Crop Production (Proj. 2)
Research Title Development of Storage Techniques for Organically Grown Seeds (Study 2)
Researcher(s) Noralyn Legaspi
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2009 to Dec 31, 2016
Commodity Across Crops
Research Site(s) MMSU Experimental Farm
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
This is the Study 2 of the project "Establishment of Seed Production and Storage System for a Sustainable Organic Crop Production".
  • Evaluation of different plant materials for the control of storage pest of corn and garlic
  • Evaluation of plant extracts to control specific storage pests of crops
The study will focus in the development of strategies for the storage of organically-produced seeds with the ultimate goal of developing a technology to maintain the viability of the seed materials and to control the occurrence of storage pests. Different techniques will be evaluated such as refrigeration, the use of various packaging materials, sun drying, dusting with ash, proper harvesting and seed extraction, etc. In addition, a combination of these techniques will also be evaluated.
The effectiveness of each treatment will be measured based on the following parameters:
  1. physiological changes (e.g. level of shrivelling, sprouting, weight loss, etc.)
  2. prevalence of storage pests
  3. percent germination (to be tested periodically)
  4. seedling vigour
Expected Output
Developed effective techniques for short and long term storage of organically-grown seeds

Abstract Not Available