Mee Jay Domingo - Researcher Profile


College of Arts and Sciences

Associate Professor V


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Dr. Mee Jay A. Domingo is an Associate Professor V and Director of the Internationalization, Linkages, and Partnerships of the Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines. His research interests include computer-mediated communication, educational technology, and applied linguistics. He holds the following international certifications - Certificate of English Language Teaching for Adults (CELTA) and Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Currently, he is a member of the 2024 cohort of the U.S.-Philippines Partnership for Skills, Innovation, and Lifelong Learning(UPSKILL) Higher Education Innovation Leaders Fellowship Program sponsored by the US Agency for International Development (USAID.  

Research Publication

  • HARVEY JOHN T. AGUILLON and MEE JAY A. DOMINGO. 2021. Perceived role of social media in the vocabulary development of university students. A Journal of Applied Linguistics, Linguistics, and Literature. Volume 1; Issue Num. 1; June 2021
  • Mee Jay A. Domingo. 2017. Facebooking in Speech Communication Classes in the Tertiary Level: The Case of Mariano Marcos State University. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. Volume 5; Issue Num. 2; May 2017; ISSN2350-7756


Author Title of the Paper Publication Citing Article Citing Author Citing Publication Year
Harvey John Tolentino Aguillon and Mee Jay A. Domingo Perceived role of social media in the vocabulary development of university students Allure Journal: A Journal of Applied Linguistics, Linguistics, and Literature Vietnamese students' perceptions of utilizing social media to enhance English vocabulary: A case study at Van Lang University Pham, M. T., et al Internatioanl Journal of TESOL and Education 2023
