Lea Agbigay - Researcher Profile


Research Directorate

University Research Associate II


Email Address: lcagbigay@mmsu.edu.ph

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Ms. Lea Castillo Agbigay is a development communication graduate at the Mariano Marcos State University. Because of her educational background, she is primarily engaged in publication works of the Research Directorate particularly in the refereed journal and in the production of information, education, and communication materials. She is the managing editor of MMSU S&T Journal, the official scientific journal of MMSU. In terms of research activities, she serves as a co-researcher in research projects which focus is on various commodities such as organic agriculture, health, pigeonpea production, and less-known yam.

Research Involvement

Research Title
Evaluation of shallot varieties for true seed production
Performance evaluation of the local shallot selection “Vintar Multiplier”
Validation of organic-based products and management technologies.
Evaluation of the storability of different shallot varieties/accessions
Evaluation and Varietal Development of the Local Shallot Selection "Vintar Multiplier"
Promotion of Developed Organic-based Technologies
Validation of Organic-Based Technologies for Enhanced Adoption
Multi-location trial of the different shallot varieties in major shallot-growing areas.
Performance of Dry-Season Crops Under Organic Farming System
Documentation of farmers’ knowledge and practices on pigeon pea production, seed system and utilization
Evaluation of farmers’ acceptance of the pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) as a climate-change adaptation crop
Assessment of the Status of Pigeon Pea Production and Consumption in Ilocos Norte and Its Acceptability as a Climate Change Adaptation Crop
Assessment of the economic viability of pigeon pea as a climate change adaptation crop
Assessment of the status of pigeonpea production as a climate-change adaptation crop in Ilocos Norte
Verification, pilot application, and optimization of the production and processing technologies of less- known yam species (kamangeg, karot, tugui) for sustainable commercialization
Optimization of the kamangeg flour production and karot detoxification technologies
Revalidation of the production technology
Food Product Development on Karot and Tugui
Evaluation of MMSU's Contribution in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Method Based on the Higher Education Impact Ranking
Component 2. Promotion of developed shallot technologies
Component 1. Integrating Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and cultural management strategies to enhance the production of quality bulbs and true seeds in shallot
Component 3. Development of sustainable seed support system through community-based approach
Enhancing the productivity of shallot through the development of sustainable seed system and promotion of technologies aligned to GAP standards
Accelerating, Promotion and Adoption of Less-known Yam production and utilization technologies Through Capacity Building approach
Evaluation of Different Varieties/Accessions of Less-known Yam Species for Yield and Acceptability (Study 1)
Enhancing the Economic Potentials of the Less-known Yam Species Through Product Development (Study 3)
Development of Cultural Management Technology for the Increased Productivity of the Less-known Yam Species (Study 2)
Development of a Technology to Increase the Productivity of the Less-Known Yam Species
Documentation of the Traditional and Conventional (Indigenous Knowledge) Health Practices with Regard to Weather Extreme (Study 3)
CHED S&T Park Model Project B-2: Enhancing the Economic Potentials of Agricultural Crops through Product Developments
Documentation of the Leading Diseases in the Province of Ilocos Norte (Study 1)
Development and Assessment of Organic Production Management Technologies for Rice-based and Upland Agroecosystem

Research Publication

  • Stanley C. Malab; Beatriz S. Malab; Jose A. Zafaralla; Angelina A. Tagay; Lea C. Agbigay. 2009. Enhancing Recovery of Rice Hull, Chichacorn and Bamboo Processing Wastes as Bioenergy Source and Environmental Mitigation. Agriculture in the Ilocos. Volume 4; December 2009
  • Floramante C. Pastor, Sosimo Ma. Pablico, Diana A. Pastor, Lea C. Agbigay, Joey A. Ramoran, Facundo B. Asia. 2006. Current State of Padsan River, Ilocos Norte: Extent of Pollution and Its Causative Factors. International Seminar-Workshop on Integrated Water Resource Management September 2006
  • Romeo S. Abrina; Leticia A. Lutap; Mario I. Remolacio; Lea C. Agbigay. 2004. Bio-organic Farming for Sustained Crop Production in the Ilocos. Agriculture in the Ilocos: Farm Information and Technologies. Volume 3; January 2004
  • Stanley C. Malab; Jose T. Agustin; Sosimo Ma. Pablico; Benilda A. Agustin; Lea R. Castillo; Jowie A. Ramoran, Segundino U. Foronda. 1999. Kawayan Technology. Agriculture in the Ilocos: Farm Information and Technologies. Volume 1; September 1999
