June 27, 2024
MMSU conducts research proposal review, endorsing 34 projects for funding
The Mariano Marcos State University held its highly anticipated Agency In-house Research Proposal (AIRPR) Review on July 11-12 at the Center for Flexible Learning (CFL). Spearheaded by the Research ....
MMSU presents 14 research posters at the NAST annual scientific meeting
Fourteen research posters from Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) were presented at the 46th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) held on July ....
RD welcomes 10 new researchers
On a simple yet memorable occasion, the Research Directorate (RD) of Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) recently held a welcome and orientation program to officially introduce ten newly hired ....
MMSU obtains PhP 5M funding for garlic productivity research in Ilocos Norte
The Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) has been granted a PhP 5.0M fund from the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) to embark on a two-year research project to ....
MMSU researcher presents research paper in international confab
A full-time researcher participated as a paper presenter in the recently conducted 2023 Rural Women’s Studies Association (RWSA) Triennial Conference, held at Arkansan State University in ....