May 18, 2022
As part of the continuing efforts to nurture vibrant research culture in the university, the Research Directorate (RD), headed by its director, Dr. Bjorn S. Santos, initiated a virtual orientation program for the call for research proposals for 2023 general appropriations (GAA) funding on May 17.
The event provided the information needed to prepare research proposals for next year’s implementation to about 80 faculty and full-time researchers who attended the program. In particular, Dr. Santos presented the guidelines for this year’s capsule proposal submission.
Six topics were discussed by the invited resource persons who are experienced in their respective fields.
On the other hand, Prof. Janelyn V. Rojas, chief of the Office for Research Ethics, introduced the function of their office and elaborated on the ethics of research involving human participants and the use of animals.
Meanwhile, Ms. Noralyn B. Legaspi, university researcher II, shared tips on how to write a powerful research proposal. Ms. Legaspi discussed in detail pointers on how to craft the contents of each part of the prescribed templates used by the university.
In addition, Mr. Kevin John D. Austria, a representative from the Budget Office, presented matters related to the budget for the university’s research programs and services. He likewise identified the protocols and requirements for budget allotment of the different research activities.
Finally, Mr. Rodel C. Cabugon, science research analyst I, presented the newly-developed online platform for submitting research proposals which is lodged in the Research Directorate Management Information Service (RDMIS). Mr. Cabugon guided the participants on the steps for the online submission.
With the conduct of the orientation program, Dr. Santos is hopeful for the directorate to receive many proposals, and more projects will be implemented in 2023. The deadline for submission of research proposals for GAA grant is June 6, 2022.
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