Patent/Utility Model Details

Invention Process of Roasting Unshelled Peanuts
Patent # 22016000417
Inventor(s) Leticia A. Lutap; Jonathan R. Ramos
Date Issued 09/21/2016
Product Roasting Unshelled Peanuts
Category Utility Model
Purpose This utility model pertains to the process of roasting unshelled peanuts. The process involved in roasting unshelled peanut involves the following steps: Washing the freshly harvested peanuts with clean water and sundry for seven days. Wash sea sand with clean water and drain. Preheat the sea sand in the cooking vessel. Place the peanut that was previously dried for seven days on the preheated sea sand and continuously stir the peanut and the sea sand with the use of wooden This utility model pertains to the process of roasting unshelled peanuts. The process involved in roasting unshelled peanut involves the following steps: Washing the freshly harvested peanuts with clean water and sundry for seven days. Wash sea sand with clean water and drain. Preheat the sea sand in the cooking vessel. Place the peanut that was previously dried for seven days on the preheated sea sand and continuously stir the peanut and the sea sand with the use of wooden ladle. Peanut will take about 25-30 minutes to be cooked in low fire. Strainer is used to remove the fine sand. Spread the peanuts on a tray and let it cool down and dusting the sand from the peanut with the use of fine cloth.