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Research Details

Research Project:Inventory, Assessment and Utilization of Sargassum spp. in Ilocos Norte
Research Title Inventory/Assessment of Alginophytes in the Waters Off Ilocos Norte
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2012 to Dec 31, 2014
Commodity Fisheries
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description

The study employed the survey/quadrat method in attaining the objectives of the study. This consists of a field work which are being done once a month per established station, and a laboratory work.

Percentage frequency and coverage determination using a 100 m transect, observation were made at 10 m interval using a 1m2 quadrat.

Computation of data generated was patterned from the work of Saito and Atobe (1970).

Laboratory Work:

  • Describe, identify and classify Sargassum that is collected from the field
  • Description, identification and classification procedures are undertaken following the procedures of Abbott (1985), Trono (1985), etc.
  • Morphological structures, leaf characteristics, arrangement, air vesicle shapes and their attachment, among others are the major bases in identifying the samples
  • Photography, plant herbarium and wet preservation are made
Expected Output

Management measures for resource sustainability.

Accomplishments and Major Findings:

1. Percentage cover of Sargassum species in Ilocos Norte

A. Pagetpet, Badoc, Ilocos Norte

Result showed that from March 2011 to July 2011 sampling, only one species of Sargassum per sampling was observe but in the succeeding months, several species of Sargassum were observed per sampling period with different percentage cover. The result was the same with the study of Howard and Menzies 1969, and Butler and Stoner 1984, that the spatial distribution and quantity of Sargassum are highly variable and the occurrence of several species during the rainy season goes along the result of Wong and Pang 2004 that rainfall plays an important factor influencing the growth of Sargassum.

B. Currimao, Ilocos Norte

In Currimao, Ilocos Norte, there were eight sampling periods undertaken and there were ten Sargassum species observed in the area having different percentage cover. Among the ten species, Sargassum sp. 8 and Sargassum sp. 10 dominated during the duration of the study. The result was similar to the study of Ooi 2001, that the diversity and abundance of seaweeds in a particular area could also a give a rough estimation as to the general health of a particular ecosystem.

C. Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte

There were five Sargassum species found in the area having a 100% cover for the month of April then another two Sargassum species on the later months of the sampling period but with only minimal percent cover. The result was similar to the study of Howard and Menzies 1969; Butler and Stoner, 1984, that the spatial distribution and quantity of Sargassum are highly variable ranging from small, widely dispersed clumps to extensive weed lines, and is dependent on physical conditions.

2. Frequency of Sargassum species in Ilocos Norte

A. Pagetpet, Badoc, Ilocos Norte

On the first sampling periods in the area, only few Sargassum species were noticed. As the observation of the study continued on the succeeding  months, several species of Sargassum occurred. The occurrence of such species in the area was probably due to the changes in the environment brought by the occurrence of early rainy season, (Wang and Pang, 2004). In addition, the strong water movement experienced by the seaweeds during the typhoon months have contributed to the nutrients regeneration within the area thus providing a better environment for the growth of Sargassum, (De Wreede, 1978).

B. Currimao, Ilocos Norte

In Currimao, Ilocos Norte, there were ten species of Sargassum observed in the sampling area but the occurrence of Sargassum species 8 and 10 appeared as the most dominant among the species present. The result of this was similar to the study of Ang (2006), that seaweeds show a seasonal growth cycle that is caused by climatic changes occurring throughout the year. In particular, Sargassum had been shown to exhibit seasonal cycle of growth. Sargassum beds start with regeneration phase from old stipes and stumps followed by a growth phase, a reproductive phase, senescence and lastly the degenerative phase. As plant matures, there is an increase in thallus length, increase in the number and size of leaves and vesicles. In addition, the seasonal variation in their percentage cover and occurrence was a direct consequence of their seasonal growth.

C. In Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte, the occurrence and abundance of several species in the area during the early sampling periods and the sudden disappearance of some species on the later months was the same with the result of the study of Cassasa and Ross (2008), that  Sargassum habitats provide food and protection for huge numbers of juvenile fishes, sea turtles, pelagic birds and marine mammals some of which are commercially important species. These floating "islands" of brown algae also host a unique assemblage of invertebrates, many of which are camouflaged to look like or blend into the Sargassum. That's one reason why there was a sudden depletion to some species of Sargassum for they served as food to many aquatic organisms.

Abstract Not Available