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Research Details

Research Title Comparative Trial on the Effect of Different Biofertilizers on Lowland Rice and Corn
Researcher(s) NB Legaspi
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Sep 01, 2022 to Apr 30, 2023
Commodity Across Crops
Research Site(s) MMSU
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Organic farming is not a new program of the government. There have been lots of related programs implemented since the time of the Green Revolution until now to avert the negative impacts brought by inorganic farming. In fact, E.O 481, known as the Promotion and Development of Organic Agriculture in the Philippines (now known as the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010) has been promulgated to address the concern on the degradation of the ecosystem and environment while addressing the goals of food security and safety, increased productivity and alleviating poverty. Agents to accelerate the promotion and adoption of organic agriculture have been made by concerned agencies, to include financial grants, trainings and equipment, and funding support for the development of organic-based farm inputs. Likewise, anticipating an affluence in the organic agriculture industry, private companies have devoted their resources in the development of organic-based products in order to cater the ushering of a less-chemical production system. Hence, the proliferation of technologies and products intended for this purpose. 

However, considering the changing environmental condition and the wide variation in agro-climatic conditions which greatly affect and influence production systems, there need to be a concrete basis as to what specific technology or product is adaptable to a given location and condition. Hence, the need to objectively evaluate these technologies and products as a basis for recommendation to the farmers and other stakeholders.

Expected Output
A technology on the utilization of biofertilizer for lowland rice and corn
Abstract Not Available