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Research Details

Research Project:Documentation on the Phenology and Pests Occurrence of Major Crops Grown in Ilocos Norte (Project)
Research Title Documentation on the Phenology and Pest Incidence of Dry Season Crops as Affected by Weather Conditions in Ilocos Norte (Study 2)
Researcher(s) Evangeline Galacgac, Charito Acosta, Leticia Lutap
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2012 to Dec 31, 2015
Commodity Across Crops
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
This is the Study 2 of the project "Documentation on the Phenology and Pests Occurrence of Major Crops Grown in Ilocos Norte".

In this study, the high valued crops (garlic, eggplant, tomato, finger pepper, corn, onion) will be planted near the Agromet station during the dry season from October to March. The growth stages of these sample plants from seedling to maturity as well as the occurrence of pests attacking these plants will be monitored every other day by making notes and keep track on the duration of every event pertaining to the biological changes of the plants and insects. These phenological events will be identified and recorded with precision. Daily weather data from the Agromet Station will also be gathered. The cultural management practices that will be employed during the duration of the growth stages of the high valued crops planted will also be recorded. Analysis of the data will be done using correlation method.

The growth stages of these high value crops planted in different areas (Burgos, Pasuquin, Bacarra, Paoay, Batac and Pinili) will be monitored by farmer cooperators. The occurrence of pests attacking this plant will also be monitored and recorded. The data collected from the farmers and data on-station will be analyzed using correlation method.

Expected Output
  • Appropriate time of applying insect pest management strategies

The study of phenological events and purple blotch incidence of Ilocos white garlic involves the observation, recording and interpretation of their occurrence. This study considers the occurrence of purple blotch based on weather conditions and phenophases of the plants. The different weather parameters that influence the timing of the occurrence and intensity of damage of this disease are discussed.

Results show that the emergence of each leaf requires an average of 5 to 6 days. All throughout its growing period, the plant produced up to 17 leaves. Purple blotch was evident as early as in the later part of the vegetative stage or the development of 8th leaf (40-45 days after planting) when there was an occurrence of rainfall or when relative humidity was >88 %. The disease spread rapidly reaching a very high damage when the relative humidity was consistently higher than 90% but did not progress rapidly when the relative humidity was below 85%. There was no occurrence of the disease during the initial and early vegetative stages of the plants even if there was high relative humidity (>90%) and occurrence of rainfall. The intensity of purple blotch damage affect the yield of the plants. Likewise, the yield decreased when the minimum temperature was more than 20oC.