R&D Thrusts and Programs

The university R&D Agenda and Programs includes an array of researchable areas/activities along the eight fields of science: agriculture, business and economics, industry and energy, education, fisheries, health, forestry, and environment.

Research Title Duration
Evaluation of Different Levels of Indigenous Rooting Solution in Vegetative Propagation of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas)2010 - 2015
Evaluation of Growth and Yield of Rejuvenated Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) Using Different Rates of Fertilizer2010 - 2015
Effect of Planting Dates Relative to Growth and Flowering in Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) Production2010 - 2015
Growth and Yield Performance of Seed- and Vegetatively-Propagated Planting Materials of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas)2010 - 2015
Establishment of Seed Production and Storage System for a Sustainable Organic Crop Production (Proj. 2)2009 - 2016
Feeding Management for Organic Lamb Production (Study 2)2009 - 2016
Integrated Management Strategies for Sustainable Organic Farming in the Ilocos Region (Program)2009 - 2016
Transitional Performance of Different Rice-based and Upland Cropping Patterns During the Organic Conversion Period (Study 1)2009 - 2016
Transitional Performance of Different Rice-based Cropping Patterns Under Outright Organic Conversion (Study 2)2009 - 2016
Postproduction Handling Strategies for Organic Farming (Study 3)2009 - 2016
Organic (Solid and Liquid) Fertilizer Production Strategies (Study 4)2009 - 2016
Progeny Testing of Sheep2009 - 2015
Genetic Improvement and Conservation of the Indigenous Sheep in Ilocos Norte2009 - 2015
Incidence of Insect Pests and Natural Enemies Under Abrupt and Gradual Organic Conversion for Rice-based Agro-ecosystem (Study 5)2009 - 2016
Organic Seed Production of Major Vegetable Crops in a Rice-based and Upland Agro-ecosystem (Study 1)2009 - 2016
Organic Production Strategies for Napier Grass (Study 1)2009 - 2016
Development of Storage Techniques for Organically Grown Seeds (Study 2)2009 - 2016
Development of Strategies for Livestock Production in an Organic Farming System (Proj. 3)2009 - 2016
Development of Management Strategies for the Production of Organically Grown Vegetable Seedlings (Study 3)2009 - 2016
Gender Mapping in the Biomass Energy Sectors In Northern Philippines2009 - 2010
Survey & characterization of indigenous food plants in Ilocos Norte, Phil2008 - 2010
Varietal Improvement in Eggplant2008 - 2015
Development of MMSU F1 Hybrid Eggplant for Wet Season Planting (Study 1)2008 - 2015
Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Ex Situ Conservation of Wild Dioscorea “buga2008 - 2010
Product development of "Buga"2007 - 2013
Cellulose ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass using fungi and other degrading agents2007 - 2009
Product development of different commodities2007 - 2013
Acceptability of Ginger Root in the Production Food Products2007 - 2013
Product development of garlic and onion2007 - 2013
Utilization of Locally Available fruits into Concentrates and Juices2007 - 2013