Evangeline Galacgac - Researcher Profile


Research Directorate

Science Research Specialist II


Email Address: esgalacgac@mmsu.edu.ph

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Ms. EVANGELINE S. GALACGAC is an agricultural engineering graduate at the Mariano Marcos state University.

As a researcher, she spearheads the implementation of researches along agrometeorology with special applications on crop production management in response to climate change. Her researches have led to the development of cropping calendar in different agro-ecological zones of Ilocos Norte which have been modified recently in adaptation to climate change, and pest management scheme for garlic production.  She had explained scientifically traditional/folkloric weather forecasting. . 

As counterpart personnel of the MMSU-PAGASA-PCARRD Agrometeoreological station in Batac, Ilocos Norte, she analyzes weather data and come up with an agroclimatic information/forecast which is highly helpful to farmers, researchers, and policy makers in planning their farm/research activities and policy implications, respectively.  Her technical expertise is supportive to various degree programs through print and lecture. Stakeholders have also benefited from the analyzed weather data. The information developed are now available at MMSU Website.  Additionally, her research papers were presented orally and as poster in international, national and regional scientific conferences and published in both refereed and non-refereed journals.

Research Involvement

Research Title
Evaluation of shallot varieties for true seed production
Evaluation and Varietal Development of the Local Shallot Selection "Vintar Multiplier"
Evaluation of the storability of different shallot varieties/accessions
Performance evaluation of the local shallot selection “Vintar Multiplier”
Multi-location trial of the different shallot varieties in major shallot-growing areas.
Enhancing bulbil production of garlic through improved cultural management practices
Multiplication of quality garlic planting materials through tissue culture
Mass production of garlic virus-free planting materials both from tissue-culture and bulbil garlic through training of garlic seed growers.
Documentation of farmers’ knowledge and practices on pigeon pea production, seed system and utilization
Evaluation of farmers’ acceptance of the pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) as a climate-change adaptation crop
Assessment of the Status of Pigeon Pea Production and Consumption in Ilocos Norte and Its Acceptability as a Climate Change Adaptation Crop
Assessment of the economic viability of pigeon pea as a climate change adaptation crop
Agroclimatic Characterization for Crop Suitability Assessment in Central Lowland of Ilocos Norte
Development of Cropping Calendar for the Central lowlands of Ilocos Norte
Agroclimatic characterization under Ilocos Norte condition
Improvement of Garlic Productivity through Integrated Crop Management System
Development of drought monitoring and forecasting tool for northern Luzon
Analysis of rainfall and temperature variability and trends in Northern Luzon
Simulation of the growth and yield performance of selected rice-based cropping system using DSSAT under various climate change scenarios
Evaluation of MMSU's Contribution in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Method Based on the Higher Education Impact Ranking
Increasing garlic productivity through higher planting density, improved nutrient management and plant growth promoter application
Development of a controlled indoor propagation nursery for clean garlic planting material
Enhancing bulbil production of garlic through improved cultural management practices-GIA
Multiplication of clean planting materials through Tissue culture and bulbil production approaches
Intensifying multiplication of garlic planting materials through tissue culture approach
Multiplication of clean planting materials through Tissue culture and bulbil production approaches
Enhancing bulbil production of garlic through improved cultural management practices-GIA
Intensifying multiplication of garlic planting materials through tissue culture approach
Component 2. Promotion of developed shallot technologies
Component 1. Integrating Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and cultural management strategies to enhance the production of quality bulbs and true seeds in shallot
Component 3. Development of sustainable seed support system through community-based approach
Enhancing the productivity of shallot through the development of sustainable seed system and promotion of technologies aligned to GAP standards
Multi-location adaptability trial of registered garlic varieties and other cultivars in Region 1,2 and CAR
Promotion of garlic production technologies in the identified potential growing areas and strengthening of partnership with stakeholders through IEC materials, field day and techno fora (Study 4)
Phenological events and pest and disease incidence of registered garlic varieties and other cultivars at different planting dates in Regions 1, 2 and CAR (Study 3)
Biophysical and climatic characterization of potential garlic growing areas in Regions 1, 2 and CAR (Study1)
Multi-location adaptability trial of registered garlic varieties and other cultivars in Region 1,2 and CAR
Promotion of garlic production technologies in the identified potential growing areas and strengthening of partnership with stakeholders through IEC materials, field day and techno fora (Study 4)
Adaptability of registered garlic varieties and other cultivars in Regions 1, 2 and CAR (Study2)
Biophysical and climatic characterization of potential garlic growing areas in Regions 1, 2 and CAR (Study1)
Phenological events and pest and disease incidence of registered garlic varieties and other cultivars at different planting dates in Regions 1, 2 and CAR (Study 3)
Adaptability of registered garlic varieties and other cultivars in Regions 1, 2 and CAR (Study2)
Sustainable Seed Support System of Vegetable Land Races and Other Crops in Ilocos Norte through Community-based Approach
Phenologcal events and pest incidence of different varieties of garlic in Ilocos Norte
Selection of promising ‘varietes’ of alokon
R&D on the Indigenous Vegetable Alokon (Allaeanthus luzonicus)
Biology and phenology of Alokon
Impact of Climatic Variation in the Productivity of Garlic
Documentation on the Phenology and Pest Incidence of Dry Season Crops as Affected by Weather Conditions in Ilocos Norte (Study 2)
Documentation of Phenology of Plants as Indicator of Climate Change Effects (Study 1)
Documentation on the Phenology and Pests Occurrence of Major Crops Grown in Ilocos Norte (Project)

Research Publication

  • Menisa A. Antonio, Evangeline S. Galacgac. 2023. .Documentation of the Phenocalendar of Allaeanthus luzonicus (Blanco) Fern.-Vill. (Family Moraceae) to Sustain Its Utilization. Plant Diversity in Biocultural Landscapes. Volume 1; June 2023
  • Yadao, R., Madalipay, J., Alibuyog, N., Utrera, R. and Galacgac, E . 2017. Solar Resource Assessment of Batac City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines using Airborne Lidar and Topography-based Solar Model - As Part of the Renewable Energy Resource Assessment of Phil-Lidar 2 Program . In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2017), January 2017
  • Evangeline S. Galacgac, Charito G. Acosta, Nathaniel R. Alibuyog. 2014. Variability of Rainfall and Temperature in Ilocos Norte, Philippines. MMSU Science and Technology Journal. Volume 3; Issue Num. 2; January 2014; ISSN2012-0060
  • Evangeline S. Galacgac, Criselda M. Balisacan. 2009. Traditional Weather Forecasting Methods in Ilocos Norte. Agriculture in the Ilocos. Volume 4; December 2009
  • Dionisio S. Bucao; Rodel T. Utrera; Maria Concepcion B. Birginias; Evangeline S. Galacgac. 2009. Effect of Tillage Practices and Fertilizer Levels on the Performance of Major Rice-based Crops Under Rainfed Lowland Condition in MMSU. Agriculture in the Ilocos. Volume 4; December 2009
  • Evangeline S. Galacgac; Criselda M. Balisacan. 2009. Traditional Weather Forecasting for Sustainable Agroforestry Practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines. Forest Ecology and Management: Traditional Forest-related Knowledge in Asia (Elsevier Journal). Volume 257; Issue Num. 10; April 2009; ISSN0378-1127
  • Galacgac, E. S.; Balisacan, C. M.. 2003. Traditional Weather Forecasting Methods in Ilocos Norte. Philippine Journal of Crop Science. Volume 26; Issue Num. 1; March 2003; ISSN0115463X


Author Title of the Paper Publication Citing Article Citing Author Citing Publication Year
Menisa Antonio and Maingelline Vivit Phytoconstituents and in vitro anti-oxidant activity of selected indigenous vegetables in the Ilocos MMSU Science and Technology Journal Documentation of the Phenocalendar of Allaeanthus luzonicus (Blanco) Fern.-Vill. (Familty Moraceae) to Sustain Its Utilization Menisa A. Antonio, and Evangeline S. Galacgac Springer Link 2023
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional weather forecasting for sustainable agroforestry practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines/ES Galacgac, CM Balisacan Forest Ecology and Management 257(10): 2044-2053. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2009.01.002 It takes two to tango: integrating meteorological knowledge and actions for disaster risk reduction Khanh That Ton, JC Gaillard, Jake Rom Cadag, Aivin Naing Climate and Development. 2017. Vol. 9 Issue 6. Pp 479-492 https://doi.org/10.1080/17565529.2016.1174658 2017
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional weather forecasting for sustainable agroforestry practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines/ES Galacgac, CM Balisacan Forest Ecology and Management 257(10): 2044-2053. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2009.01.002 Traditional Water Management System for Climate change Adaptation in Mountain Ecosystems Bhaskar Shrinivasulu Padigala Reconsidering the Impact of Climate Change on Global Water Supply, Use, and Management. 2017. IGI Global. ISBN 9781522510468 (hardcover) ISBN 9781522510475 (ebook) 2017
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional Weather Forecasting Methods in Ilocos Norte/ ES Galacgac, CM Balisacan Philippine Journal of Crop Science. Vol 26 No. 1 pp 5-14 Using fuzzy cognitive maps in modelling and representing weather lore for seasonal weather forecasting over east and Southern Africa Solomon Mwanjele Mwagha, Muthoni Masinde Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems 16(1), pp 1-30. 2017 2017
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional weather forecasting for sustainable agroforestry practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines/ES Galacgac, CM Balisacan Forest Ecology and Management 257(10): 2044-2053. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2009.01.002 Traditional Knowledge and Vulnerability of Edible Fungi in an Ejido Within a Protected Natural Area Xochitl Jasso-Arriaga, Ángel Roberto Martínez-Campos, Yaqueline A. Gheno-Heredia, Cristina Chávez-Mejía Polibotánica no.42 Mexico ago. 2016 printed version ISSN 1405-2768 http://dx.doi.org/10.18387/polibotanica.42.9 2016
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional weather forecasting for sustainable agroforestry practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines RFID monitoring indicates honeybees work harder before a rainy day Xu-Jiang He , Liu-Qing Tian , Xiao-Bo Wu and Zhi-Jiang Zeng Honeybee Research Institute, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China 2016
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional weather forecasting for sustainable agroforestry practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines It takes two to tango: integrating meteorological knowledge and actions for disaster risk reduction Khanh That Ton,J.C. Gaillard,Jake Rom Cadag &Aivin; Naing Journal Climate and Development Vol. 9 ISSN: 1756-5537 Pages 479-492 05 May 2016 2016
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional weather forecasting for sustainable agroforestry practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines Value of traditional oral narratives in building climate change resilience: insights from rural communities in Fiji Shaiza Z. Janif, Patrick D. Nunn, Paul Geraghty, William Aalbersberg, Frank R. Thomas and Mereoni Camailakeba Ecology and Society Vol. 21 No. 2 June 2016 2016
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional weather forecasting for sustainable agroforestry practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines Integration of Indigenous Knowledge into Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Policies for Sustainable Development: The Case of the Agta in Casiguran, Philippines Jesusa Grace J. Molina Andreas Neef Sustainable Development and Disaster Risk Reduction pp 247-264 2016
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional weather forecasting for sustainable agroforestry practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines Integrating indigenous knowledge with scientific seasonal forecast for climate risk management in Lushoto district in Tanzania Mahoo H Mbungu W Yonah I Radeny, Maren A.O. Kimeli, P Kinyangi, James CCAFS Working Paper no. 103. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). 2015
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional weather forecasting for sustainable agroforestry practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines/ES Galacgac, CM Balisacan Philippine Journal of Crop Science. Vol 26 No. 1 pp 5-14 Indigenous Knowledge for Weather Forecasting in Dhule District of Maharashtra (India) BC More, HI Shaikh, PK Bagul, SS Patole Frontiers of Earth Science. KL Shrivastava and PK Srivatava (Eds_ Scientific Publishers (India). 2015. Pp254-257. ISBN: 978-81-7233-929-6 eISBN: 978-93-86102-34-8 2015
Evangeline S. Galacgac Traditional weather forecasting for sustainable agroforestry practices in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines/ES Galacgac, CM Balisacan Philippine Journal of Crop Science. Vol 26 No. 1 pp 5-14 Mainstreaming Ethnoclimatology for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation in Mountain Ecosystems Bhaskar Padigala Int. J. Global Warming. Vol 8 No. 3, 2015. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Pp 360-374 2015
