Menisa Antonio - Researcher Profile


Research Directorate

Senior Science Research Specialist


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Dr. Menisa A. Antonio is a plant genetic resources specialist, spearheading the sustainable conservation and promotion of underutilized and neglected plant species in Ilocos Norte.  As a conservation enthusiast, her research works led to the taxonomic identification of the wild Dioscorea “buga”, identification and characterization of indigenous food plants (IFPs), evaluation of the health potential of IFPs, establishment of a botanical garden of IFPs, germplasm conservation and selection of high-yielding traditional upland rice varieties, and conservation of priority Iloco vegetable landraces.  She has published papers in refereed and non-refereed journals, book and catalogs, book chapters, and other knowledge products. She has presented papers, and gained recognition in international, national and local venues. Her policy recommendation on the conservation and promotion of IFPs has been adopted by the Regional Development Council -Region 1. She was MMSU’s Most Outstanding Researcher in 2011.
She currently occupies a Senior Science Research Specialist position under the Research Directorate. She finished PhD in Botany (specializing in Plant Systematics) and  MS in Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Management, both at the University of the Philippines Los Banos, College, Laguna.   She earlier took up her BS in Biology at MMSU.

Research Involvement

Research Title
Development of a Bio-fertilizer processing facility in the university
Upscaling the Usability of Bio-Fertilizers for common vegetables in Ilocos Norte
Technology Demonstration and Mass production of Bio-Fertilizer in Ilocos Norte
Assessment and evaluate the effectiveness of bio-fertilizers vegetable (tomato, eggplant, ampalaya, okra)
Optimizing Yield and Bulb Quality of shallot (allium cepa var. agregatum) as Influence by Planting Density and Nutrient Management
Germplasm Collection, Characterization and Evaluation of Underutilized Root and Tuber Crops
Establishing Community Foodscapes and Seedbanks of Iloco Crop Genetic Resources
Strengthening the Resilience of Iloco Crop Diversity Through Complementary Conservation Approach
Documentation and Germplasm Collection of Indigenous Fruits in the Ilocos
Germplasm assembly and documentation on root and tuber crops
Product Development and Marketability Assessment for Indigenous Fruits and Value-Added Products
Leveraging the Potential of Indigenous Fruits in the Ilocos for Food and Nutrition Security
Establishing Ex Situ Conservation Facilities for Iloco Crop Genetic Resources
Agronomic and chemical evaluation of root and tuber crops
Characterization and Evaluation of Indigenous Food Plant Species
Mainstreaming the Sustainable Conservation and Utilization of Iloco Crop Genetic Diversity
Varietal Development of Indigenous Fruits in the Ilocos
Assessment of phenotypic diversity in root and tuber crops
Primary processing and food product development on alokon
Germplasm collection and characterization of vegetable landraces in Ilocos Norte
Documentation of production practices for vegetable landraces in Ilocos Norte
Improvement of the cultural management of vegetable landraces in Ilocos Norte
Conservation and improvement of vegetable landraces in Ilocos Norte
Development of production management technologies on alokon
Sustainable Seed Support System of Vegetable Land Races and Other Crops in Ilocos Norte through Community-based Approach
Screening and Evaluation of Indigenous Plants for Health and Other Applications
Selection of promising ‘varietes’ of alokon
Biology and phenology of Alokon
R&D on the Indigenous Vegetable Alokon (Allaeanthus luzonicus)
Germplasm Conservation and Selection of Promising Traditional Upland Rice Varieties in Ilocos Norte
Evaluation of the Agronomic Performance of Traditional Upland Rice Under Lower Elevation Upland Areas of Batac, Ilocos Norte
MMSU-IRRI Proj Multi-Environment Rice Varietal Testing for Rainfed Lowland
Indigenous Veg Devt in Reg 1, IV-B and XII
MMSU-IRRI Proj Breeding High-Yielding Rice Varieties for the Rainfed Lowland of SouthEast Asia-Field Evaluation Batac Site
Development of Package of Technology (POT) for Momordica cochinchinensis (Sugod-sugod)
Evaluation of Growth and Yield Performance of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) Using Different Rates of Fertilizer
Effect of Planting Dates Relative to Growth and Flowering in Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) Production
Evaluation of Growth and Yield of Rejuvenated Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) Using Different Rates of Fertilizer
Development of Package of Technology (POT) for Telosma procumbens (Blanco) Merr. (Kapas-kapas)
Evaluation of Different Levels of Indigenous Rooting Solution in Vegetative Propagation of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas)
Growth and Yield Performance of Seed- and Vegetatively-Propagated Planting Materials of Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas)
Survey & characterization of indigenous food plants in Ilocos Norte, Phil
Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Ex Situ Conservation of Wild Dioscorea “buga
Product development of "Buga"

Research Publication

  • Menisa A. Antonio, Evangeline S. Galacgac. 2023. .Documentation of the Phenocalendar of Allaeanthus luzonicus (Blanco) Fern.-Vill. (Family Moraceae) to Sustain Its Utilization. Plant Diversity in Biocultural Landscapes. Volume 1; June 2023
  • Menisa A. Antonio, Inocencio E. Buot Jr.. 2023. Ethnobotany of Yams (Dioscoreaceae) Used by Local Communities in the Northwest of Luzon Island. Plant Diversity in Biocultural Landscapes. Volume 1; June 2023
  • Menisa A. Antonio, Inocencio E. Buot Jr.. 2021. Characterization and delineation of two infraspecific taxa of Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill: The leaf architecture approach.. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. Volume 22; Issue Num. 4; June 2021; ISSN1412-033X
  • Menisa A. Antonio, Rodel T. Utrera, Epifania O. Agustin, Araceli J. Badar, Dionisio L. Jamias. 2020. Research-based Policy Formulation for the Sustainable Utilization and Promotion of Indigenous Food Plants in Region I, Philippines. Methodologies Supportive of Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Natural Resources Management: Selected Cases in SouthEast Asia. Volume 1; June 2020
  • Menisa A. Antonio, Inocencio E. Buot Jr.. 2019. Redefining the concept of weeds. Journal of Wetlands Biodiversity. Volume 9; October 2019
  • Mateo, JMC, CD Oraye, GS Rodulfo, MA Antonio & RG Maghirang.. 2019. Nutrient quality, phytochemical profile, antioxidant activity and horticultural traits of sugodsgod (Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour. Spreng.). Proceedings of the 25th FCSSP/1st FPSAP Scientific Conference September 2019
  • Badar, Araceli J., Antonio, Menisa A., Agustine, Epifania O., Bucao, Dipnisio S., Gorospe, Mary Ann B.. 2019. Growth and yield performance of traditional upland rice varieties in low elevation upland agro-ecosystem. Science & Technology Journal. Volume 7; Issue Num. 2; January 2019; ISSN2012-0060
  • Maghirang, R.G., Oraye, C.D., Antonio M.A. & Cacal, M.S. 2018. . Ethnobotanical Studies of Some Plants Commonly Used as Vegetables in Selected Provinces of the Philippines. Journal of Nature Studies. Volume 17; Issue Num. 2; June 2018; ISSN2244-5226
  • AJ Badar & MA Antonio. 2018. Performance of traditional upland rice (Oryza sativa) varieties in rainfed lowland areas of Batac, Ilocos Norte.. Science and Technology Journal. Volume 8; June 2018
  • Antonio, Menisa A., Vivit, Maingeline, B.. 2018. Phytoconstituents and in vitro anti-oxidant activity of selected indigenous vegetables in the Ilocos. Science & Technology Journal. Volume 7; Issue Num. 2; January 2018; ISSN2012-0060
  • Antonio, Menisa A., Agustin, Epifanio O., Badar, Araceli J.. 2017. Catalog of Indigenous Food Plants in Ilocos Norte. Catalog of Indigenous Food Plants in Ilocos Norte. Volume 2; December 2017
  • Miriam E. Pascua, Maura Luisa S. Gabriel, Araceli J. Badar, Menisa A. Antonio and Marisa I. Atis. 2012. Development of Multiplication Technique for Virus-free Garlic Planting Materials. Science & Technology Journal. Volume No. 2; December 2012; ISSN 2012 0060
  • Menisa A. Antonio, Rodel T. Utrera, Epifania O. Agustin, Dionisio L. Jamias, Araceli J. Badar, Miriam E. Pascua. 2011. Survey and Characterization of Indigenous Food Plants in Ilocos Norte, Philippines. SEAMEO-SEARCA Discussion Paper Series Issue Num. 2; January 2011
  • Antonio, M A, R.T. Utrera, E.O. Agustin, D.L. Jamias, A.J. Badar & M.E. Pascua. 2010. . Indigenous food plants (IFPs) for increased food sufficiency in Ilocos Norte, Philippines.. SEAMEO-SEARCA Policy Brief Series. Volume 2010; Issue Num. 3; June 2010; ISSN1656-8818
  • Menisa A. Antonio; Rodel T. Utrera; Epifania O. Agustin; Dionisio L. Jamias; Araceli J. Badar; Miriam E. Pascua. 2010. Indigenous Food Plants (IFPs) for Increased Productivity Food Sufficiency in Ilocos Norte, Philippines. SEAMEO-SEARCA Policy Brief Series Issue Num. 3; June 2010; ISSN1656-8818
  • Marissa I. Atis, Aleta E. Dumaoal, Araceli J. Badar and Menisa A. Antonio. 2009. Indigenous Accessions of Radish, Rapahanus caudatus, Applied with Organic Fertilizer. Research and Development Annual Report December 2009
  • Menisa A. Antonio; Epifania O. Agustin; Miriam E. Pascua. 2009. Ex-situ Conservation of the Iluko Indigenous Dioscorea . Agriculture in the Ilocos. Volume 4; December 2009
  • Antonio, MA, EO Agustin & ME Pascua.. 2009. Ex situ conservation of the Iluko indigenous Dioscorea “buga”.. Agriculture in the Ilocos-Farm Technologies & Information. Volume 4; November 2009
  • Antonio, MA, EO Agustin & ME Pascua. 2008. Ex Situ Conservation and Genetic Diversity Assessment in the Iluko Indigenous Dioscorea “Buga”.. JPair. Volume 1; October 2008
  • Pascua, ME, MLS Gabriel, AJ Badar, MA Antonio and MI Atis. 2006. Rapid Multiplication Technique for the Production of Virus-Free Garlic Planting Materials. Research and Development Annual Report December 2006
  • Pascua, ME, MA Antonio, DS Bucao, EO Agustin, MLS Gabriel and SMa Pablico. 2000. Vanishing Plant Species in the Ilocos.. MMSU Information and Technologies November 2000; ISSN2094-0165
  • Pascua, ME, MLS Gabriel, Thelma Z. Layaoen, German C. Fermin, MA Antonio, and SMa Pablico. 1999. Improved Garlic Postharvest Technology. MMSU Information and Technologies 1. Volume 1; January 1999; ISSN2094-0165


Author Title of the Paper Publication Citing Article Citing Author Citing Publication Year
MA Antonio, IE Buot Jr REDEFINING THE CONCEPT OF WEEDS MMSU Science and Technology Journal REDEFINING THE CONCEPT OF WEEDS MA Antonio, IE Buot Jr. J. Wetlands Biodiversity (2019) 9: 7-21 2023
Menisa Antonio and Maingelline Vivit Phytoconstituents and in vitro anti-oxidant activity of selected indigenous vegetables in the Ilocos MMSU Science and Technology Journal Documentation of the Phenocalendar of Allaeanthus luzonicus (Blanco) Fern.-Vill. (Familty Moraceae) to Sustain Its Utilization Menisa A. Antonio, and Evangeline S. Galacgac Springer Link 2023
Menisa A. Antonio, Rodel T. Utrera, Epifania O. Agustin, Araceli Badar, Dionisio Jamias Survey and characterization of indigenous food plants in Ilocos Norte, Philippines ETHNOBOTANICAL STUDIES OF SOME PLANTS COMMONLY USED AS VEGETABLES IN SELECTED PROVINCES OF THE PHILIPPINES Rodel G. Maghirang , Claudette D. Oraye*, Menisa A. Antonio and Milagros S. Cacal Journal of Nature Studies 2023
MA Antonio, IE Buot Jr Characterization and delineation of two infraspecific taxa of Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill: The leaf architecture approach Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity Dioscoreaceae Pelser, P et al Co's Digital Flora of the Philippines 2022
Menisa Antonio and Maingelline Vivit Phytoconstituents and in vitro anti-oxidant activity of selected indigenous vegetables in the Ilocos MMSU Science and Technology Journal Evaluation Of Anticancer, Anti-Inflammatory And Antioxidant Activity Of The Aerial Parts Of Mollugo Verticillata Using MCF-7 Cell Line MR Suchitra, S Parthasarathy Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 28-33. 2022
Menisa A Antonio, Inocencio E Buot Jr Characterization and delineation of two infraspecific taxa of Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill: Uses and bioactivity M Silalahi International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Archive, 3(2), 20-25. 2022
Menisa A Antonio, Inocencio E Buot Jr Characterization and delineation of two infraspecific taxa of Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity Classifying fifty-seven Cucumis (Cucurbitaceae) accessions into six species using leaf architectural traits Masungsong LA, Alcala AA, Buot IE Jr., Belarmino MM Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 2022
Menisa A Antonio, Inocencio E Buot Jr Characterization and delineation of two infraspecific taxa of Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill: The leaf architecture approach Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity Comparative analysis of the leaf architectural characters of Saurauia bontocensis Merr. and Saurauia polysperma (Blanco) Merr. with the application of Digital... BPO DAIPAN, IE BUOT JR, HMO DAIPAN Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 2022
Menisa A. Antonio, Rodel T. Utrera, Epifania O. Agustin, Araceli Badar, Dionisio Jamias Survey and Characterization of Indigenous Food Plants in Ilocos Norte, Philippines Floristic composition and diversity of indigenous wild food resources in northwestern Cagayan, Philippines SHELLA B. CACATIAN , JOHN LESTER T. TABIAN Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 2020
Menisa A. Antonio, Rodel T. Utrera, Epifania O. Agustin, Araceli Badar, Dionisio Jamias Survey and Characterization of Indigenous Food Plants in Ilocos Norte, Philippines Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) Design and synthesis of anti-convulsant and anti-bacterial activity of new hydrazone derivatives Akshay Kumar, Arvind Kumar Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 2020
Menisa A. Antonio, Rodel T. Utrera, Epifania O. Agustin, Araceli Badar, Dionisio Jamias Survey and Characterization of Indigenous Food Plants in Ilocos Norte, Philippines Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) Phenolic contents and antioxidant properties of Stenochlaena palustris, an edible medicinal fern sun-Thai CHAI*, Esvini PANIRCHELLVUM , Hean-Chooi ONG , and Fai-Chu WONG Botanical Studies (2012) 53: 439-446. 2020
Menisa A. Antonio, Rodel T. Utrera, Epifania O. Agustin, Dionisio L. Jamias, Araceli J. Badar, Miriam E. Pascua Survey and Characterization of Indigenous Food Plants in Ilocos Norte, Philippines Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) Cordia dichotoma G.Forst. Boraginaceae A. Nithaniyal Stalin Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia 2020
Menisa A. Antonio, Rodel T. Utrera, Epifania O. Agustin, Dionisio L. Jamias, Araceli J. Badar, Miriam E. Pascua Survey and Characterization of Indigenous Food Plants in Ilocos Norte, Philippines. Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) Redefining the Concept of Weeds Menisa A. Antonio, Inocencio E. Buot Jr. J. Wetlands Biodiversity 2019
Menisa A. Antonio, Rodel T. Utrera, Epifania O. Agustin, Dionisio L. Jamias, Araceli J. Badar, Miriam E. Pascua Survey and characterization of indigenous food plants in Ilocos Norte, Philippines Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), Los Baños, Philippines. 2011 Water fraction of edible medicinal fern Stenochlaena palustris is a potent a- glucosidase inhibitor with concurrent antioxidant activity Tsun-Thai Chai, Meng-Tee Kwek, Hean-Chooi Ong, Fai-Chu Wong Food Chemistry Volume 186, 1 November 2015, Pages 26-31 2015
Menisa A. Antonio, Rodel T. Utrera, Epifania O. Agustin, Dionisio L. Jamias, Araceli J. Badar, Miriam E. Pascua Indigenous food plants (IFPs) for increased food sufficiency in Ilocos Norte, Philippines Policy Brief Series 3 (2010): 1-2. School of Living Traditions on Aeta Magbukon indigenous knowledge: promoting indigenous food plants for food security ND David Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies 2010