Errol John Valdez - Researcher Profile


College of Business, Economics and Accountancy

Associate Professor IV


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Dr. Errol John V. Valdez finished his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Development Management and Master in Business Administration (MBA) in March 2019 and March 2007, respectively. He is an alumnus of the Mariano Marcos State University, College of Business, Economics and Accountancy (MMSU-CBEA) and earned his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration major in Management Accounting (BSBA-MA) in April 2002.

He was designated as the Chief for Institutional Accreditation at the Quality Assurance Directorate of the University from January 2022 to December 2024. He was the former Chair of the Business Administration Department and Extension Coordinator of CBEA; former adviser of the Students Association of Management Accountants (SAMA) and the Management Society - MMSU Chapter (ManSoc-MMSU), University Student Council (USC), CBEA Student Council (CBEA-SC), CBEA Cultural Society (CulSoc) and the Student Affairs Coordinator (SAC) of CBEA. 

Aside from his teaching and administrative functions, he is actively participating in research and extension endeavors. He also attended competency and skills trainings on business management, business analytics, public financial management, and entrepreneurship. He serves as coach and adviser to local, regional, national, and international competitions, both academic and non-academic in nature. Lastly, he is frequently invited as resource speaker on topics such as entrepreneurship, business and financial management, bookkeeping, personality development, values re-orientation, professional ethics and work values, and leadership, including development management.

Research Publication

