Rommel Pascua - Researcher Profile


College of Aquatic Sciences & Applied Technology

Assistant Professor I


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Mr. Rommel Quimado Pascua is an Instructor in Marine Biology at the College of Aquatic Sciences and Applied Technology, Mariano Marcos State University in Currimao, Ilocos Norte. A licensed 1-STAR Scientific SCUBA diver, a holder of National Certificate II in and Trainers Methodology I. His expertise includes marine ecology, plankton ecology, oceanography, marine biogeography, fisheries biology, population dynamics, tropical coastal ecology, remote sensing, geographic information system, and fishery/coastal resource management. He has conducted various researches on marine resource management; plankton ecology; and assessment, density and diversity distribution, growth and survival, recruitment pattern, and regeneration capacity of seaweeds, seagrasses, and mangroves, to name a few. He is an active environmental advocate and is the internal vice president (former external vice president) of Movement Against Plastic Pollution (MAPP), a non-government organization promoting youth volunteerism, and marine conservation doing regular eco-talks, coastal and underwater clean-up, upcycling and recycling endeavors, and other environmental awareness campaigns/activities.

Research Publication

