Rainfall Extremes

Highest 24-hour and monthly rainfall, longest wet and dry spell, and length of rainy season

The highest 24-hr rainfall ranges from 98.3 mm to 498.0 mm (average = about 263 mm) mostly occurred during the months of July, August, and September. Likewise the highest monthly rainfall during the wet season (May to October) ranges from 478.3 mm to 1407.4 mm.

The longest dry spell (continuous period with less than 0.5 mm rainfall) averages 89 days with range from 52-152 days mostly occurred between January to early part of May. The longest wet spell (continues period with more than 0.5 mm rainfall) averages 12 days with range from 7-30 days mostly occurred between later part of May to later part of September. The average length of rainy season is 106 days with range from 61-164 days usually occurred from the later part of May to September.

Daily rainfall extremes within a given month in a 45-year period (1976-2020).

Rainfall Daily pic

Daily and monthly rainfall extremes and duration of longest dry and wet spell (1976-2020)

Rainfall Daily Extremes pic

a = continuous period with at least 0.5 mm daily rainfall

b = continuous period with less than 0.5 mm rainfall

Rainfall Daily Extremes 1 pic
Rainfall Daily Extremes 1 pic