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Research Details

Research Project:Resource Assessment and Evaluation of Dipterocarps and Premium Indigenous Timber Species in Ilocos Norte
Research Title Phenological Assessment of Selected Dipterocarps and Premium Indigenous Timber Species in Ilocos Norte
Researcher(s) Charito Samsam, Joselito Rosario, Dionisio Jamias
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Oct 01, 2013 to Dec 31, 2017
Commodity Forestry
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
The study will be carried out in the selected areas where the superior mother trees of dipterocarps and premium indigenous timber species are found. Three dipterocarp species (palosapis, Yakal, White lauan) and three premium indigenous timber species (Molave, Supa and Dao) will be assessed. Climate type will be characterized as wet and dry season. Assessment of the vegetation profile, site and soil variable and other climatic factors will be determined comprising the following: existing land cover, land form, slope, elevation, ownership, geographic coordinates, land-use, stand age, origin and stocking. Daily rainfall and temperature data will be taken from the weather station nearest to the study sites. A checklist/instrument will be designed to ensure operational consistency of the basic information to be gathered. Five individual trees will be marked per species with DBH greater than 30 cm.

The following phenological events will be assessed and recorded monthly in each individual species:

a. leaf flush initiation and completion

b. leaf fall initiation and leaf fall completion

c. leafless period

d. initiation of flowering and completion of flowering

e. time lag between start of vegetative (first leaf flush) and reproductive (first-visible flower) phases

f. initiation of fruiting and completion of fruiting

g. fruit-fall initiation and completion of fruit fall.

Recording of Events

  1. The flowering period for each species will be calculated from 15 days before the date on which the event will be recorded for the first time in any individual to 15 days after the date on which the event will be recorded the last time among individuals.
  2. Fruiting period of a species will be the duration (days) from the first fruit formation to the last among its individuals.
  3. The fruit-fall period of a species will represent the time duration from the first fruit fall among individuals to the last. For each individual species flowering, fruiting and fruit-fall durations will be calculated from 15 days before the date on which the event will be recorded for the first time to 15 days after the date on which the event will be recorded for the last time.
  4. The synchrony index for flowering, fruiting and fruit-fall phenophases of each species will be calculated as the ratio between the individual's mean duration of a phenological phase and the overall duration of the phase.
Expected Output
Morpho-phenophases of at least 5 dipterocarps and premium indigenous timber species

  1. Properly marked and recorded coordinates
  2. Properly documented vegetation profile, soil, and climatic factors of the study sites
  3. Phenological calendar of at least 5 indigenous timber species
  4. Databank, brochure, leaflets of the phenological calendar of at least 5 timber indigenous species
Abstract Not Available