We only provide here the general research information. For more detailed information contact the Research and Development Directorate of the Mariano Marcos State University.

Research Details

Research Project:Development of Package of Technology (POT) for Telosma procumbens (Blanco) Merr. (Kapas-kapas)
Research Title Effect of Planting Dates Relative to Growth and Flowering in Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas) Production
Researcher(s) Menisa Antonio, Lucricia Conchita Cocson, Lagrimas Flojo
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jun 01, 2010 to Dec 31, 2015
Commodity Vegetables
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
The study will be conducted in staggered planting. The treatments will be monthly planting as follows:

T1 - January planting

T2 - February planting

T3 - March planting

T4 - April planting

T5 - May planting

T6 - June planting

T7 - July planting

T8 - August planting

T9 - September planting

T10 - October planting

T11 - November planting

T12 - December planting

Propagation of cuttings will be done every month so that planting materials will have the same age/maturity during the establishments of the monthly planting. Plant will be spaced at 1 meter distances, 5 plants per treatment replicated 3 times in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD).

Cultural management shall be employed like providing trellis, use of 2 kg organic fertilizer per plant, irrigation and weeding as needed.

Data to be gathered will be vine length at 3, 6 and 9 months after transplanting. Likewise, number of branches shall also be monitored, days to flower, yield and yield components.

Expected Output
Best time (month) to plant Telosma procumbens (Kapas-kapas)

Abstract Not Available