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Research Details

Research Title Development of Package of Technology (POT) for Momordica cochinchinensis (Sugod-sugod)
Researcher(s) Menisa Antonio, Lucricia Conchita Cocson, Lagrimas Flojo
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Dec 01, 2011 to Dec 31, 2015
Commodity Vegetables
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
The experiments on propagation will be established at the Plant Genetic Resources Nursery of the Mariano Marcos State University. Different propagation techniques will be employed on seed and matured healthy vine cuttings of a female parent plant.

Study 1. Evaluation of Vegetative Propagation Techniques for M. cochinchinensis

Substudy 1. Evaluation on the effect of scarification in seed germination of M. cochinchinensis

Seeds will be collected and extracted from fully ripened sugod-sugod fruits. They will be dried and stored at room temperature for two months. They will be sown in potted garden soil using black polyethylene bags (4x6 inches), organic fertilizer and decomposed rice hull with 1:1:1 ratio. It will be laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications.

Watering will be done every other day or as needed. Data on germination rate and % germination will be taken and recorded.

Substudy 2. Evaluation of asexual propagation techniques for Momordica cochinchinensis

Momordica cochinchinensis is a perennial vine and this plant is dioecious which means that male and female flowers are borne on separate plants of the same species. Hence, in order to have fruits, one has to grow several vines nearby to ensure successful pollination. To eliminate male plant, asexual propagation will be employed which is a possible source of planting materials.

Study 2.Comparative Agronomic Performance of Seed  and Vegetatively-Propagated Planting Materials of Momordica cochinchinensis Using Different Rates of Organic Fertilizer

The field trial will be conducted during wet season (WS) on the month of June at the experimental farm of the Mariano Marcos State University. The propagated vine cuttings and seedlings will be evaluated using different rates of organic fertilizer.

Study 3. Rejuvenation Scheme for Old Stand of Momordica cochinchinensis (Sugod-sugod)

After the productive fruiting, the plant senesce and stop bearing fruits for a while especialy towards the dry season. Pruning the old vines is a way to renew and increase productive branches of the old stand of Momordica cochinchinensis (sugod-sugod). Furthermore, it will eradicate pests that harbor in the old plant. Different cutting heights will serve as treatments.    

Study 4. Response of Momordica cochinchinensis to Different Rates of Inorganic Fertilizer

The field trial will be conducted during wet season (WS) at the experimental farm of the Mariano Marcos State University. Different rates of inorganic fertilizer will be evaluated using the propagated vine cuttings as planting material.


Expected Output
A Package of Technology (POT) for Momordica cochinchinensis (sugod-sugod).

Abstract Not Available