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Research Details

Research Project:Research and Development of the Sea Urchin, Tripneustes gratilla, in Ilocos Norte
Research Title Culture of the Sea Urchin Tripneustes gratilla in Pens, Cages and in Tanks
Researcher(s) Facundo Asia, Pilar Carolyn Pascual, Carmencita Saladino
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2014 to Dec 31, 2016
Commodity Fisheries
Research Site(s) Currimao and Badoc, Ilocos Norte
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
On-site culture studies shall be done using plastic cages (1m x 1m x 0.3m) and pens in suitable areas along the coastal towns of Badoc and Currimao. Feeding experiments shall involve the use of different natural foods (i.e. various species of seaweeds and seagrasses). Stocking density experiments shall also be done involving the different on-site culture methods (cages and pens) and land-based culture methods (tanks and basins). In all the experiments to be undertaken, somatic growth and gonad growth and quality responses shall be determined. The experimental design in each of the experiments shall follow the completely randomized design with replications. Statistical analyses like the ANOVA or ANCOVA shall be employed whichever will be appropriate.

Land-based culture studies shall be done using circular concrete tanks and plastic basins in an existing low-cost hatchery set-up at MMSU-CASAT. Feeding experiments involving the use of natural foods and prepared diets, stocking density experiments and other related studies shall also be done. In all the experiments to be undertaken, somatic growth and gonad growth and quality responses shall be determined. The experimental design in each of the experiments shall follow the completely randomized design with replications. Statistical analyses like the ANOVA or ANCOVA shall be employed whichever will be appropriate.

Study Leader - Marjorie G. Ramos

Expected Output
Aquaculture technologies on on-site (cage and pen) and land-based (tank and basin) culture of sea urchin T. gratilla ready for adoption by fishfarmers in the locality.

Abstract Not Available