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Research Details

Research Title Development of Electronic Scarecrow by Ultrasound
Researcher(s) Jose Zafaralla
Research Category Project
Research Status not conducted
Duration May 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2015
Commodity Engineering
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Design and construction of an electronic scarecrow to be tested to a two-legged winged and four-legged non-winged test animals in a lab and in actual field condition to see and document their reaction from a burst of an ultrasound.

Humans can be attracted or scared of what we can see, hear and of what we can feel. Birds and animals has also a sense of seeing and hearing. What they can hear could either attract or scare them away. The focus of this study is to target their sense of hearing by bombarding them with a burst of ultrasound - a non-lethal possible method of scaring them away for the protection of agricultural crops.

The device will be composed of solid state circuitry and ICs (integrated circuits). The ultrasound generated by the source circuit will be amplified to increase its output using an amplifier circuit. The output ultrasound of the device will be heard (not by humans) via a tweeter type speakers. An oscilloscope will be used to set and calibrate the frequency output of the device. The frequency can be varied by an accessible control knob outside the enclosure box. Varying the frequency output increases the coverage of application to different species. The ultrasound produced will be intermittent at timed interval so as not to make them accustomed with it.

The device will be tested with test specimen (animals, birds and insects) in a laboratory and in an actual field condition. In lab condition, the reaction of the test specimen will be monitored and documented when subjected them with ultrasound. If they react wildly, it is possible that due to the ultrasound. In the field condition, let the test specimen touch down to the crop then turning on the device to see if they will be scared away or not. For a different species, it will be noted what frequency will they react most.

Expected Output
It is expected that this device could scare those hungry birds and animals eating our production or research crops ahead of us. A device for possible commercialization to farmers and household. Also, a publishable journal article and paper for presentation.

Abstract Not Available