We only provide here the general research information. For more detailed information contact the Research and Development Directorate of the Mariano Marcos State University.

Research Details

Research Title Design and Fabrication of an Automated Vulcanizing Machine for Motorcycle and Bicycle Inner Tubes
Researcher(s) Ferdinand Huenda, Ruel Peralta, Zaldy Fernandez, Eriberto Calamayan, William Bermudez
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2014 to Dec 31, 2014
Commodity Engineering
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
The development of an automated vulcanizing machine encourages vulcanizing shop owners to use and support the program of the government, Clean Air Act and in reducing the thinning of ozone layer to reduce global warming.

The components of the automated vulcanizing machine includes a timer switch to time the heating process, temperature sensitivity to control the temperature in heating the patch and this assembles in an angle bar as its frame, handy and portable.

These are the following activities to be done:

January to June

  1. Designing-window shopping of equipment, tools, supplies and materials
  2. Lay-outing
  3. Fabrication
  4. Construction
  5. Fitting
  6. Pre-testing
July to December
  • Final testing and evaluation through tube tire if patch can withstand manufacturers recommended pressure.

  1. Ferdinand P. Huenda
  2. William Bermudez
  3. Ruel Peralta
  4. Erriberto Calamayan
  5. Zaldy Fernandez
Expected Output
Automated vulcanizing machine

Abstract Not Available