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Research Details

Research Title Promotion and Commercialization of Developed Pest Management Technologies (Biofungicides and Bioinsecticides) for Selected Vegetables in Ilocos
Researcher(s) Leticia Lutap, Alecsis Villarin, Jonathan Ramos
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Nov 01, 2017 to Dec 31, 2020
Commodity Vegetables
Research Site(s) MMSU Experimental Area, Farmers Field
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
From the Proposal:


Potential Impact:

  1. Increased number of farmer-adopters
  2. Increased production areas for organic vegetable production
  3. Sustained supply of organically grown vegetables     
Ilocos Region is one of the major producers of high value crops which include vegetable such as garlic, tomato, eggplant, sweet and finger pepper. These were grown and planted usually after rice. Aside from cash, they are good source of vitamins and minerals. However, good production is always constrained by the attack of insect pest and diseases. Inspite of the concerted effort of the national government about the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as an approach in controlling pest populations, most farmers still resort to the use of chemical as an immediate control, which is hazardous to human health and environment.

The R&D Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) were able to develop promising biopesticide products for the common insect and diseases of vegetable like tomato fruitworm, tangle top, purple blotch and cercospora leaf spot in garlic, thrips and mites for pepper and epilachna beetles in eggplant. These products were derived from plants particularly with pesticidal properties available in the locality and was found effective as preventive and control measures or limits the organism to become pest status of the priority vegetables. The different products were coded as MMSU BioIn 3, MMSU BioIn 6, MMSU BioIn 8, for insect pest and for diseases, DFTm4 for tomato, and DF4Ga for garlic. Using the formulated products under laboratory and field condition on station, effectiveness was comparable including the cost and return analysis with chemical pesticides. With these findings, the products can be used as alternative or combined with chemical pesticide to reduce the use of chemical spray.

The development of this product and management system is useless unless this are promoted to the farmers particularly in vegetable growing areas in the Ilocos. Since the country is promoting organic agriculture not only in crops but also in livestock industry, there is a need to verify and pilot these products for promotion and adoptions to farmers especially the organic practitioners, hence this proposal.


Component 1: Verification of the developed Biopesticide Products in Vegetable Production in Ilocos

Validation of at least 4 potential pest management products/systems developed from previous research shall be done. The study will be set up at different sites and will be evaluated in farmers planting vegetable using GAP and in an organic farm. Farmer cooperators were selected based on the recommendations of DA (LGU) and their willingness to involve in the project. Yield data, pest damage including shelf life of products will be gathered. Efficacy evaluation will be conducted both on-site and on-farm trials.

Component 2: Promotion and Commercialization of Best Management Products in Organic Vegetable Production System

This component aims to promote and transfer the best pest management products/systems through a community-based approach in the production and application of products and systems towards commercialization.

Pre-Implementation Strategy: Identification of sites and farmer cooperators will be established. Basic criteria and requirements in choosing farmer cooperators will be determined with the help of Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO). After the identification, briefing and consultations will be scheduled with the future partners. Terms and reference should be made between the farmer cooperators and the project team.

Implementation Strategy: Baseline information and assessment of production practices of farmer cooperators will be collected and recorded properly as a basis in production technology. The formulated products should be mass produced by the project team and gradually involved the farmer cooperator to appreciate the development of the formulated products.

This study will provide the university information that can lead to a well-defined plan to better address occupational safety to its employees and students. With the data of this study, all concerned individual can have a basis to implement improvements to its indoor air environments thru good building practice, storage and disposal practices, material use and good laboratory practice.

Commercialization of formulated products by the adaptors will be the last aim of the study. Technical procedures will be given by the project implementor in mass production of formulated products. There should be at least 2 major entrepreneurs that are capable in managing business into small and large scale biopesticide production systems respectively.

Major Activities/Workplan:

  1. Site selection of suitable area
  2. Coordination with LGUs
  3. Selection of cooperators
  4. Establishment of on station and demo farms
  5. Monitoring and evaluation
  6. Promotion and dissemination of biopesticide products
  7. Capacity building
  8. Data collation and analysis
  9. Preparation of technical report and reporting
Expected Output
  1. Developed and verified effective Biopesticide products for pest management in vegetable
  2. Organic vegetable farmers adopted the pest and disease management interventions and the recommended practices to improve organic vegetable production
  3. Trained at least 5 vegetable growers in selected areas
  4. Biopesticide products against the target pest.
Abstract Not Available