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Research Details

Research Title Species-site suitability assessment of some indigenous timber species in denuded areas
Researcher(s) Joselito Rosario, Charito Samsam, Sergia Garma, Zenaida Pugat, Roseller Ayson
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Mar 01, 2017 to Apr 01, 2021
Commodity Across Crops
Research Site(s) MMSU Experimental Station, Lubbot, San Mateo, Payao, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Failures in some reforestation activities are attributed to the poor selection of suitable species that are adapted to the conditions of the locality, poor quality of planting stocks used and lack of appropriate silvicultural approaches and techniques applied. Improper choice of species coupled with inadequate management especially in areas with adverse site conditions are prone to drought, stunted growth and sometimes result to high mortality rate. Indigenous timber species are known to be resilient, resistant to drought and pest and could play an important role in the rehabilitation of degraded sites. However, lack of information on tree species performance has been identified as the most important limiting factor in attaining success and adoption in a diversified reforestation strategy. Thus, it is in this perspective that there is a need to strengthen silvicultural knowledge particularly on the selection of suitable species that can withstand adverse site conditions and to develop of appropriate management techniques adaptable to the existing conditions of the locality.

The initial step shall involve the assessment of the existing vegetation including the biophysical and agroclimatic conditions of the surrounding environment. Seven indigenous premium timber species will be evaluated in different sites/ecological conditions. Quality planting stocks obtained from the identified good mother trees in Ilocos Norte will be used to ensure early recovery and increase their resistance to stress due to transplanting. Furthermore, techniques will be developed for the ecologically viable species to provide the basic requirements needed for growth and development.

Benchmark data such as rainfall, soil variables, topography, soil fertility status and temperature will be determined. The composition of the vegetation growing on the site will also be documented as they provide valuable information about the site factors that may tend to influence the growth. Growth characteristics, relative growth rate, survival and biomass of the different indigenous timber species will also be documented.

Expected Output
  1. Identify promising timber species suitable under denuded ecological conditions
  2. Appropriate silvicultural management techniques for different timber species under a degraded site conditions
  3. Publishable materials in refereed, non-refereed journals, instructional manual, brochures and flyers that will serve as reference for students in the Forestry curriculum
  4. Database information of tree species suitability under a particular site conditions.
Abstract Not Available