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Research Details

Research Title Effect of Potassium and Phosphorus Fertilization on the Growth, Yield and Storability of Ilocos White Garlic Cultivar
Researcher(s) Araceli Badar, Marissa Atis
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Oct 01, 2017 to Oct 31, 2020
Commodity Across Crops
Research Site(s) MMSU Experimental Farm
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Study 1: Performance of Ilocos White garlic cultivar to different levels of potassium and phosphosrus

Study 2: Growth and yield of performance of Ilocos White garlic cultivar to split application of potassium

Study 3: Storability of Ilocos White garlic cultivar as affected by potassium and phosphorus application

In this project, there will be two separate studies that will be set-up in the field. In order to determine the optimum level of potassium and phosphorus in garlic production, different levels will be tested. In the second study, potassium at the rate of 60 kn/ha will be applied in split manner; 40 and 60 DAP. Agronomic as well as yield and yield components will be gathered. The harvest in Study 1 will be stored in room temperature for 5 to 6 months. Weight loss, clove and bulb damaged brought about by insect pest or fungus will be recorded each month.


Expected Output
  1. Improved potassium and phosphorus fertilization management in garlic cultivation
  2. Best level of P and K for good garlic storage
  3. Paper for presentation
  4. Publishable journal article
Abstract Not Available