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Research Details

Research Title Pre-Formulation, Formulation and Quality Assessment of Dragon Fruit Products
Researcher(s) Ma. Danica Ramil, Fairie Anne Domingo, Rhian Jaymar Ramil,
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Apr 01, 2016 to Apr 01, 2018
Commodity Fruit Crops
Research Site(s) Mariano Marcos State University
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
This research project will focus on the assessment of pre-formulation, formulation and stability parameters of dragon fruit herbal supplements and cosmetic products. Determination of nutritional value and microbiological quality of the dragon fruit food products.


It was conceptualized on the need to use natural products as food supplements, food products and cosmetics to improve the quality of health and wellness of one's being. Dragon fruit, as in many other fruits and vegetables, is also believed to be rich in antioxidants that help to reduce the incidence of degenerative diseases such as arthritis, arteriosclerosis, cancer, heart disease, and inflammation and brain dysfunction.


Study 1.

  1. Pre-formulation Studies 
    1. Macroscopic Evaluation 
      • Plant materials will be examined by sensory organs (touch, smell, slight, taste fracture). This method is used for describing the organoleptic features of the drugs.

    1. Microbial Screening 
      • For the safe use of the plant drug, microbial count will be done and checked whether total aerobic count, total yeast and mold count are within the prescribed WHO limits.

    1. Pre-formulation Studies 
      • The granules/powders will be analyzed for pre-formulation parameters like bulk density, tap density, Carr's index, Hausner's ratio and angle of repose.

  2. Formulation Studies 
    1. Formulation of Dosage Forms. 
      • Formulation of dosage forms either in a tablet, capsule, powder or tea according to the acceptable standards to achieve standardized products.

    1. Quality Control Studies 
      • Such as weight variations, content uniformity and disintegration time of finished product (for capsule or tablet) are performed.

  3. Stability Testing 
    • Pharmaceutical products are generally studied for stability profile at accelerated temperature. The study is performed to determine the physical, chemical, and antioxidant activity changes occurring in the herbal supplement products by extrinsic factors.
Study 2.
  1. Microbial Analysis 
    • To ensure safety of food products, microbial tests such as testing for pathogens and spoilage organisms will be conducted.
  3. Proximate Analysis 
    • To determine the nutritional value of the food products, determination of the moisture, ash, total carbohydrates, crude protein, crude fiber, total fat and saturated fat contents will be conducted through proximate analysis.
Study 3.
  1. Pre-formulation Studies 
    1. Macroscopic Evaluation 
      • Plant materials will be examined by sensory organs (touch, smell/odor, slight, taste fracture). This method is used to describe the organoleptic features of the drugs.

    1. Microbial Screening 
      • For the safe use of the plant materials, microbial count will be done and checked whether total aerobic count, total yeast and mold count are within the prescribed limits.

  2. Formulation Studies 
    1. Product Formulation 
      • Formulation of either facial creams, ointments, soap, lotion, etc. according to the acceptable standards to achieve standardized products

    1. Quality Control Studies 
      • Each cosmetic product will be subjected to evaluation for the following parameters as per the method described: 
        • Physical evaluation
        • Measurement of pH
        • Weight uniformity
        • Viscosity
        • Spreadability

    1. Stability Testing 
      • The stability studies were carried out in all formulations at different temperature conditions (4, 25 and 37ÂșC) for 3 months 21-23. All the evaluation parameters studied at different time intervals, 15th, 30th, 60th and 90th days.

Expected Output
  1. Produce dragon fruit herbal supplements, food products, and cosmetics that can be utilized by the community
  2. Develop patentable products
  3. Publish paper in national/international conferences
Abstract Not Available