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Research Details

Research Title Cancer Chemotherapeutic Potentials of Terrestrial Plants Endemic to Ilocos Norte
Researcher(s) Rhian Jaymar Ramil
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2019 to Jan 31, 2020
Commodity Health
Research Site(s) Ilocos Norte, Metro Manila
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
This research study highlights the bioprospecting of terrestrial plants endemic to Ilocos Norte for potential use in the management of cancer. Initially, the selection of starting plant materials will be based on random approach considering the criteria oon availability, accessibility and abundance. Assessment on the physicochemical and phytochemical screening will be implemented to determine the characteristics and components of the plant samples. Moreover, the crude extracts/fractions will be subjected to primary screening using MTT/MTS cell proliferation assay against different human cancer cell lines. Evaluation on the anticancer properties of the crude extracts/fractions will be based on their half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50).

Expected Output
This study is expected to deliver the following:

  1. Identified bioactive extracts with potential anticancer activities from selected endemic plants
  2. Documented phytochemical components and physicochemical characteristics of the selected endemic plants
  3. Presented the paper in one (1) research conference (oral or poster)
  4. Published one (1) article in a refereed journal.
Abstract Not Available