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Research Details

Research Project:Increasing Wet Season Production of Solanaceous Vegetables Through Improved Cultural Management Practices
Research Title Evaluation of Different Mulching Materials for the Control of Weeds and Major Pests in Solanaceous Vegetables During the Wet Season (Study 1)
Researcher(s) Noralyn Legaspi, Marylis Nalundasan
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2014 to Jun 30, 2016
Commodity Across Crops
Research Site(s) Mariano Marcos State University, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
This study is under the project "Increasing Wet Season Production of Solanaceous Vegetables Through Improved Cultural Management Practices".

There will be three set-ups in this study, one each for eggplant, tomato and pepper. Aside from plastic mulch, locally available mulching materials will be used as treatments. The experiment will be laid-out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Double row plots will be used in each experimental unit.

The field will be prepared thoroughly by alternate plowing and harrowing or rotavating the land twice. Raised beds will be prepared at 20 cm high; width of plots will be 1 meter. Distance between rows (double row) will be 1 m for tomato and eggplant and 0.4 m for pepper. The distance between plots will be 0.75 m in all crops.

For the treatments with mulch, the mulching materials will be placed before planting. Fertilizer to be applied will be based on the requirement of each specific crop and also on the result of soil analysis which will be taken prior to establishment.

Supplemental irrigation will be given as the need arises. Standard procedures for other management practices for each specific crop will be followed.

The occurrence of pests will be properly recorded and documented by regular monitoring. In the same way, the presence of natural enemies will be likewise monitored.

The prevalence of weeds will be monitored by using quadrants. Persistent weed species in each treatment will be identified and weighed (DM). Time needed in weeding each treatment will be recorded and this will be used as basis in the computation of the cost and return analysis.

Major activities include:

  1. Land preparation, lay-outing, seedbed preparation, seed sowing and maintenance of seedlings; preparation of planting materials
  2. Field establishment (planting/transplanting, mulching, application of fertilizer, etc)
  3. Care and maintenance (irrigation, trellising, weeding, etc)
  4. Data gathering and harvesting
  5. Consolidation of data, statistical analysis and interpretation
  6. Technical report writing and presentation

Expected Output
Data to be gathered:

  1. percent survival
  2. days to first flower; days to first and last harvestings
  3. plant height at maturity
  4. occurrence of pests
  5. prevalence of weeds
  6. yield and its components
  7. cost and return analysis
Abstract Not Available