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Research Details

Research Title Product Development of Potential Species of Seaweeds from Ilocos Norte
Researcher(s) Zanaida M. Agngarayngay and Susan G. Aquino
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 10, 2000 to Jan 01, 2015
Commodity Fisheries
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s) GAA-Fund 101
Brief Description
Ready-to-eat products have become increasingly popular in recent years because of their convenience.  However, most of these convenient foods contain chemical preservatives to act as either antimicrobials or antioxidants. 
Seaweeds have a broad chemical composition, consisting of bioactive molecules The phenolic compounds are powerful antioxidant molecules, and fractions rich in these compounds may be use as antioxidant complement in health states where oxidative state is damage.  Hence,  Seaweed has been attracting interest recently as a valuable food source with a number of health benefits.  Being such a rich source of essential macro and micro nutrients, they are potential ingredients for nutritious foods.  

Expected Output
This seaweed study will be carried out for the development of functional foods from seaweeds with a view to developing safer healthful food items for consumption. This direction offers in improving the state-of-the-art in seaweed resources towards the greatest potential for value adding that can be used for the nutritional benefit of man. 
Abstract Not Available