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Research Details

Research Project:Development of a Technology to Increase the Productivity of the Less-Known Yam Species
Research Title Development of Cultural Management Technology for the Increased Productivity of the Less-known Yam Species (Study 2)
Researcher(s) Noralyn Legaspi, Lea Agbigay
Research Category Study
Research Status extended
Duration Jan 01, 2016 to Dec 31, 2022
Commodity Rootcrops
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
This is the Study 2 of the project "Development of a Technology to Increase the Productivity of the Less-Known Yam Species".

Within this study, the following activities will be undertaken:

  1. Fertilizer application
  2. Irrigation
  3. Distance of planting
  4. Use of different planting materials
  5. Experiments on backyard production of kamangeg
Expected Output
A production technology for the less-known yam species

Abstract Not Available