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Research Details

Research Title Integrated Management Strategies for Sustainable Organic Farming in the Ilocos Region (Program)
Researcher(s) Floramante Pastor
Research Category Program
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2009 to May 31, 2016
Commodity Environment
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Premised with the model of causality, organic agriculture adaption (effect) is dependent on the promotional efforts (cause) both from the national level down to the local level. With the recognition of the many benefits of organic agriculture, the national government promotes it through promulgation of laws, giving mandates and directives to government arms such as local government units/agencies, SUCs, research institutions and even the private sector to implement and play their roles in the widespread adoption of organic agriculture. Being a research and academic institution, SUCs play an important role in this endeavour. It is thus imperative for SUCs to find ways that could help the government promote organic farming adoption. Since SUCs' one functional strength is research, it is thus indispensable to engage in research activities towards developing strategies or showcasing the real benefits of organic farming to farmers, thereby encouraging more farmers to engage in organic farming.

Expected Output
The proposed program addresses key challenges on developing sustainable organic management strategies with the ultimate goal to promote wider adoption of organic farming. Anticipated outcomes from the proposed program are as follows:

  • Organic farming management strategies for crops and livestock under lowland and upland agroecosystems 
    • Pest management strategies
    • Nutrient and nutrition/feed management strategies for crops and livestock
    • Organic fertilizer production strategies
    • Postproduction handling strategies
    • Seed production technologies
    • Seed handling and storage strategies
  • Support systems 
    • Extension, education and training services
    • Market support system(i.e., promotional strategies and establishment of organic product market)
    • Internal guarantee system or local certifying body
    • Marketing strategies
  • Integrated organic farm model
  • A more pervasive adoption of organic farming in the region
Abstract Not Available