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Research Details

Research Title Agroclimatic Characterization for Crop Suitability Assessment in Central Lowland of Ilocos Norte
Researcher(s) Evangeline S. Galacgac, Joemel Agreda, Josefa Pugat, Sherwin Bartolome
Research Category Project
Research Status on-going
Duration Jan 01, 2022 to Dec 31, 2024
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Expected Output
 Agroclimatical forecast or agroclimatic information- rainfall amount; initial and transitional probabilities of rainfall occurrence, and rainfall depths at different probability levels; number of rainy days; evaporation amount; drying condition; air temperature; soil moisture condition; solar radiation; wind direction/speed; probability of tropical cyclone; initial and transitional probabilities of rainfall occurrence, and rainfall depths at different probability levels .

 Crop weather calendar at different agroecological zones (submerged-prone, drought-prone, and upland)
Abstract Not Available