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Research Details

Research Project:Development and Assessment of Organic Production Management Technologies for Rice-based and Upland Agroecosystem
Research Title Transitional Performance of Different Rice-based and Upland Cropping Patterns During the Organic Conversion Period (Study 1)
Researcher(s) Floramante Pastor, Mario Remolacio
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2009 to May 31, 2016
Commodity Environment
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
This is the Study 1 of the project "Development and Assessment of Organic Production Management Technologies for Rice-based and Upland Agroecosystem".

This study will be conducted in two separate farms, one from formerly conventional rice-based and the other from upland agroecosystem. Different combinations of organic and inorganic fertilizers will be evaluated but combination rates will be modified per year with gradual increase in OF while gradual decrease in inorganic fertilizer until such rate is fully organic. Full organic conversion is hypothesized to be attained from 3 to 5 years or when no longer discernible significant different in yield as against to conventional.

The cropping pattern for rice-based will rice followed by six different crops. These six crops are known and identified as the most common crops planted by farmers in the locality. Upland cropping patterns will also be identified considering the most practiced/common in the locality.

The cropping patterns to be evaluated under rice-based ecosystem will be the following:

Rice-based Cropping Patterns to be assessed:

  1. CP1: Rice-Garlic
  2. CP2: Rice-Cauliflower
  3. CP3: Rice-Tomato
  4. CP4: Rice-Pepper (finger)
  5. CP5: Rice-Eggplant
  6. CP6: Rice-Corn
Transitional Combination Rate of Organic (OF) and Inorganic Fertilizer (IF)

For the purpose of identifying the most probable duration for organic conversion, different combinations and rates of organic and inorganic fertilizers are designed in a manner that such combination or rate changes every year until it reaches full application of organic. For a more meaningful result, this transitional scheme is observed side by side with treatments such as full organic and inorganic fertilizer with control (no fertilizer application).

Data to be Gathered

The following data will be monitored and gathered from each cropping pattern:

  • transitional duration (number of years)
  • productivity performance (yield and yield components)
  • pest dynamics/incidence (abundance of insect pest and natural enemies)
  • soil properties (physical, chemical and biological)
  • product quality (residue analysis, shelf life, eating quality)
  • cost and return or economic analysis 
Expected Output
Determined the best combination rate of organic and inorganic fertilizer during the conversion/transition period.

Best transitional combination rate based on yield performance, transitional duration, soil properties, economic return and other relevant data.

Abstract Not Available