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Research Details

Research Project:Development and Assessment of Organic Production Management Technologies for Rice-based and Upland Agroecosystem
Research Title Transitional Performance of Different Rice-based Cropping Patterns Under Outright Organic Conversion (Study 2)
Researcher(s) Noralyn Legaspi
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2009 to May 31, 2016
Commodity Environment
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
This is the Study 2 of the project "Development and Assessment of Organic Production Management Technologies for Rice-based and Upland Agroecosystem".

The transitional performance of different cropping sequences/patterns will be evaluated both in a rice-based and upland agroecosystems for conversion to organic farm. Unlike in the first experiment, there will be an abrupt shifting from conventional to organic wherein, all inputs will be pure organic from the first year onwards. Hence, different crop combinations/sequences/patterns which will serve as treatments will be evaluated in an effort to identify the best that could give optimum productivity during the conversion period.

Expected Output
Determined the best combination rate of organic fertilizer during the conversion/transition period.

Best transitional combination rate based on yield performance, transitional duration, soil properties, economic return and other relevant data.

Abstract Not Available