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Research Details

Research Title Needs and Problems of Mariano Marcos State University Students with Absentee Parents
Researcher(s) Henedine Aguinaldo, Ciriaco Ragual
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Jun 01, 2015 to Oct 31, 2015
Commodity Across Crops
Research Site(s) MMSU-Batac and Laoag campuses
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
The study will focus on bonafide MMSU students in the various colleges with absentee parents as study population. The said students must be willing to participate in the study. The list of target participants will be taken from the office of the college guidance counselors with the aid of the Cumulative Record of Students (CURES). Purposive sampling will be used to identify the respondents. Because of the expected small size of respondents, complete enumeration will be utilized. An informed consent in written form will be presented and explained to the respondents. Upon consent of the respondents, data gathering will follow. Individual interviews will be conducted through the aid of an interview schedule and a tape recorder. The interview schedule will consist of three parts. Part one will focus on the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. Part two will determine the needs of the students will absentee parents and part three will assess the problems of students with absentee parents. Data will be transcribed, collated and analyzed. Afterwhich, the result will serve as basis in formulating the counseling program which will be evaluated by experts.

To observe the ethics of research, confidentiality will be practiced. Names of the respondents will be withheld and all materials such as tapes and written records and notes used in relation to the study will be kept safely.

This study will utilize a descriptive-exploratory design. It will also integrate the use of research and development approach, and will make use both quantitative and qualitative method of data gathering and analysis. Rooted in educational research, this approach is involved with formulating and testing theory and developing materials for instruction (e.g. resource materials) and other purposes necessary for education and training (Sevilla et al., 2000). This design involves three stages: planning, development and evaluation. The first stage will involve designing the framework of the study, data gathering, collation of data gathered and analysis and interpretation. The second stage will be the development of the counseling program that answers the needs and problems of the subjects of the study. The last stage will be a validation of the material constructed by experts and end users.



  1. Dyrma I. Sabas, Affiliate Guidance Researcher
  2. Geraldeen B. Pascual, Guidance Counselor, CBEA
  3. Henedine A. Aguinaldo, Director, SSDO
  4. Irene T. Acuña, Guidance Counselor, CTE
  5. Maria Nona A. Adaza. Guidance Counselor, CIT
  6. Nova M. Cabias, Guidance Counselor, CIT
  7. Irene T. Flores, Guidance Counselor, CAFSD
  8. Filomena Barbara R. Gallardo, Guidance Counselor, CTE
  9. Romelyn N. Pabro, Guidance Counselor, COE
  10. Madelyn Q. Quitoriano, Guidance Counselor, CASAT/CHS
  11. Rodel B. Reyes, Guidance Counselor, CAS
  12. Ciriaco T. Ragual, Faculty Member, Math
Expected Output
  • General knowledge
  • Publishable article
  • Paper for presentation
Results of the study will provide data on the needs and problems of MMSU students with absentee parents and will serve as basis in the formulation of a counseling program for students with absentee parents. Specifically, the study will also benefit the following:
ADMINISTRATION. The results will provide information to the authorities for them to fully understand the situation of students with absentee parents and be able to give support programs formulated for the said students.
PARENTS. The study will help the significant others to have a clearer perspective on the situation their sons and daughters are into brought about their absence.
FACULTY MEMBERS. The results will enlighten the teachers to realize and be sensitive on needs and problems of students with absentee parents.
GUIDANCE COUNSELORS. The research study will serve as a basis for the Guidance Counselors to formulate a program design to cater to the needs and problems of students with absentee parents.
STUDENTS. The data will give them the opportunity to widen their way of thinking on the situation they are into, thus helping them to be more adjusted and accept realities with a better outlooks in their lives.
Abstract Not Available