Research Details
In vitro Propagation of Breadfruit (Study 1)
Marissa Atis, Araceli Badar, Aleta Dumaoal
Category: Study
Status: Terminated
January 1, 2014 -
December 31, 2016
Brief Description
Conservation and distribution of breadfruit (rimas) are limited by conventional propagation methods. In vitro plant propagation system must be developed to maintain, conserve, and mass propagate this important tree species. A field genebank of breadfruit must exist as a source for conservation and sustainable use of breadfruit.
Because of the outstanding qualities of this fruit tree based on the previous evaluation at MMSU, this fruit tree is recommended for mass propagation to be readily available to interested growers, particularly to farmers. The conventional methods of producing true-to-type plants being employed are grafting, stem cuttings, and marcotting. However, these methods are slow and percent survival is low. Considering the above scenario, the use of micropropagation techniques is resorted to, hence, this study.
Experiments on micropropagation of breadfruit will be conducted primarily regarding the use of different types of explants, media requirements, and sterilization techniques. Since there were no available micropropagation researches conducted on this crop in the country, treatments will be formulated based from the work of other tissue culture laboratories from abroad in terms of related crop species such as in Egypt and Malaysia. Culture media used will be Murashige and Skoog's formulation. The experiments will be conducted at the MMSU Tissue Culture Laboratory; laid out in Completely Randomized Design, analysis will be done using T-test and DMRT.
Major Activities include:
- Inventory of supplies and materials
- Procurement of needed materials
- Preparation of needed materials (stock solutions, culture media)
- Application of treatments
- Data gathering
- Data encoding/Analysis/Interpretation
- Technical report writing
- Presentation of technical papers in various fora