Research Details
Benchmark Information, Evaluation and Improvement on the Postharvest Handling/Packaging Practices of Traders/Vendors on Eggplant and Other Vegetables in the City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
Maura Luisa Gabriel, Marissa Atis, Aleta Dumaoal
Category: Study
Status: Terminated
January 1, 2014 -
December 31, 2016
Brief Description
One of the goals of the study is the information on the postharvest handling/packaging practices of vendors and traders on eggplant and other vegetables and the other is to formulate or modify handling and packaging methods and techniques for the vegetable commodities.
The following are the purpose of the study: identify problems encountered in handling/packaging eggplant and other vegetables; determine the optimum postharvest life of selected vegetables; and to determine the deteriorative changes in the selected vegetables.
Project outputs will be the good and proper packaging practices and the optimum postharvest life for eggplant and other vegetables.
These are the activities:
- Survey on handling and packaging practices
- Preparation of materials needed (for treatments)
- Application of treatments
- Data gathering
- Data analysis/Interpretation
- Report writing
- IEC materials and publication in refereed journal