Research Details
Micropropagation and Nursery Management Techniques of MMSU SRO Sweet Jackfruit (Langka) (Study 2)
Marissa Atis, Araceli Badar, Aleta Dumaoal
Category: Study
Status: Not conducted
January 1, 2014 -
December 31, 2016
Brief Description
At MMSU, one jackfruit variety has been developed, MMSU SRO Sweet jackfruit variety. This has excellent qualities, with regards to its sweetness, crunchiness, and easy to remove from the pulp.
Breeding the desirable genotypes using the conventional vegetative propagation methods is time consuming and difficult. Besides, these techniques require skills, suitable plant source, good condition of rootstock, and favorable environment. Tissue culture can, hence, be used as an alternative method for clonal propagation of selected A. heterophyllus genotypes to produce healthy plant materials for the growers in a more rapid and periodic or planned manner.
MMSU SRO Sweet jackfruit trees planted at the university campus will be the sources of explants for the micropropagation study. In vitro experiments will be laid out in a completely randomized design with three replications. For the potting out and nursery management, rooted in vitro plantlets will be acclimatized for 3 days and potted-out from culture bottles.
Major Activities include:
- Inventory of supplies and materials
- Procurement of needed materials
- Preparation of needed materials (stock solutions, culture media)
- Application of treatments
- Data gathering
- Data encoding/Analysis/Interpretation
- Technical report writing
- Presentation of technical papers in various fora